97.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024


Today is Nov. 6.
Election Day.
If this isn’t ringing any bells for you, we have a problem. If you’ve already voted — good job. And if you’re anywhere in between — read on.
It is critical that college students vote in this election, when it comes to both the propositions and the president. The results of this election will directly affect each and every UC Davis student.
A Proposition 30 failure would mean a $2,400 tuition increase for all UC students. If Barack Obama loses, we could have a president who once told college students to “borrow money from your parents if you have to” to pay for school. These are not the kinds of solutions that will help college students succeed.

We know you’re probably tired of hearing people tell you what to do. But the people on the Quad campaigning aren’t just there because they have free time on their hands.

According to a study by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement, the percent of young adults who are “extremely likely” to vote is 54.6 percent, but 100 percent of young adults will be affected by this election.

This is real life. This is a real election and it will have very real consequences. No matter what political party you align yourself with, it is vital that you go to the polling station to vote.

As a citizen of the United States, it is both your right and your duty to exercise your right to vote. Don’t pass up this opportunity.



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