97.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Editorial: ASUCD Elections

Students will elect another round of senators to represent them in ASUCD next week. Voting starts Nov. 13 at 8 a.m. and ends Nov. 16 at 8 a.m. Results will be announced at noon that Friday.

Voters will rank candidates in order of preference through ASUCD’s choice voting system. If a student’s first-choice candidate either wins with extra votes or fails to meet a minimum vote standard, that vote goes toward the voter’s next-choice candidate. Six candidates will receive seats on the table.

There are 14 candidates this quarter, with the majority of candidates split between the SMART slate and the NOW slate, plus four independents. The Aggie editorial board interviewed 12 of the 14 candidates, as David Belcher and Gloria Chen did not attend interviews. Our endorsements reflect whom we feel will be most effective.

No. 1 – Olivia Brown (SMART): Involved in many communities on campus, Brown will be a strong voice on the table for underrepresented groups. As an intern for previous Senator Tatiana Moana Bush — one of the most successful and well-connected senators in recent years — as well as a member of the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission, Brown has learned the ins and outs of ASUCD. She’ll be a passionate, well-informed addition to the Association.

No. 2 – Liam Burke (Independent): Burke boasts a sizable ASUCD career. He was a commissioner for the Academic Affairs Commission and has interned for Senators Patrick Sheehan and Kabir Kapur. As an independent candidate, Burke isn’t likely to let petty politics influence his voting. For his platform to implement mid-quarter course evaluations, Burke said he’s fully prepared to go to every department to see his plans through, showing his commitment to the students.

No. 3 – Armando Figueroa (SMART): Another former intern of Senator Bush, Figueroa understands how ASUCD works well enough to get things done. He still provides a valuable outside perspective, though, as a current Educational Opportunity Program Peer Advising Counselor and intern at the Student Recruitment and Retention Center. Focused on advocacy, Figueroa knows the importance of communication between students and administrators.

No. 4 – Felicia Ong (NOW): Ong is one of the candidates with the most direct ASUCD experience. She is currently on the External Affairs Commission, serves as assistant to Vice President Yena Bae and used to serve as an assistant to former ASUCD President Adam Thongsavat. Ong seems to be very familiar with ASUCD processes, in both the executive and legislative branches. She said she wants students to feel more comfortable approaching senators.

No. 5 – Jonathan Yip (NOW): Yip said, “My goals are simple: boba milk tea,” but he is also a serious candidate with serious qualifications. He used to serve on the Outreach Assembly and his experience on the Business and Finance Commission will be valuable come Budget Hearings season. Also, who doesn’t love boba?

No. 6 – Alyson Sagala (SMART): While Sagala has not had any direct experience in student government, her time with AggieTV and involvement in various groups on campus would help her act as an effective senator. She seems to fully support the ideals of the SMART slate and wants to help communities that feel marginalized on our campus.

Vote Nov. 13 to 16 online at elections.ucdavis.edu.


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