48.2 F

Davis, California

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Police Briefs

Rage on, Aggie
There were two party complaints in the same area on A Street.Punch-drunk
On G Street, an intoxicated girl hit someone on the head because he wouldn’t drive her home, so he threw water on her.


Divine calling
Someone got a call from a “reverend” telling him to go to CVS/pharmacy to pick up a paper entitling him to $2.1 million on Ganges Place.Fatal Attraction
Someone’s girlfriend came at them with a knife on Pole Line Road.

Pho-king hell
On Third Street, Pho King’s windows were vandalized and the business banners were torn down.


Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
Somebody turned the light on while a burglar was in their apartment; the burglar freaked out and ran away on Sycamore Lane.Police briefs are compiled from the City of Davis daily crime bulletins. Contact EINAT GILBOA at city@theaggie.org. 


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