Next time you’re rushing to class, take a deep breath and observe the colors around you. Davis is just as alive as we are — plants are growing, buildings are under construction and artwork seems to spontaneously materialize in unexpected corners.
The artwork tends to be a bit bizarre, surreal and disjointed in the we’re-not-exactly-sure-what’s-happening-but-it’s-awesome kind of way. It challenges the norms that life throws in our path and forces us to exercise our imagination. Perusing pieces is a great way to relieve stress and invoke your own creative energy.
Davis itself is a vast museum. Its gardens, fountains, sculptures, paintings and strange bike apparatuses say a lot about its history and culture.
So, if you often find yourself obliviously jogging across campus just a few seconds before class begins, we highly recommend you set your alarm clock back a few minutes. Take the time to truly appreciate our city — and those who made it look so gorgeous.