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Davis, California

Monday, February 10, 2025

A look at Senate platforms and goals

The ASUCD Senate table said farewell to the fall 2011 senators one week ago. Former senators Anni Kimball, Justin Goss, Erica Padgett, Jared Crisologo-Smith and Patrick Sheehan discussed their year in office and the running platforms they have completed.

Former Senator
Anni Kimball (email interview)

Initial Platforms
Work to create an ASUCD service fair
Reduce plastic consumption on campus

“I did create the Volunteer and Service Fair. We held one in April and the second one earlier in November. I’m really excited that we were able to secure a line item in the budget for this event, because that means it will be institutionalized for years to come.

Unfortunately, in working with the CoHo, my ideas for reducing plastic consumption didn’t pan out. However, I did work on other environmental projects such as getting the Bookstore to sell green books (testing books made from recycled materials) and working closely with EPPC and the Greeks to further our campus’ sustainable efforts.”

Former Senator
Justin Goss (email interview)

Initial Platforms
Work toward the UC Davis 60 percent Initiative
Expand KDVS
Provide additional resources to the Student Academic Success Center (SASC)
Improve student advocacy

“The 60 percent initiative mostly led itself as orchestrated by Assistant Vice Chancellor Sid England; the best I did was to call attention to it and maybe speed up lighting retrofits in the MU. [The] same goes for KDVS; they balanced their own budget and did the hard work to build their tower, I just helped vet and vote yes on the final bill … [which is] further proof our units do the heavy lifting. I totally dropped the SASC platform, it just wasn’t feasible.

Student advocacy was one of my big ones in the first half of my term. I set up the UC Ambassadors Program in our unit, University Affairs (Senate Bill 96 from 2011-12), to try and better institutionalize contact between the UCs so we’d have a stronger response if we ever had a catastrophe like Nov. 18 happen again.

I also attended [events at] the capitol and did some lobbying both with Davis College Democrats and Lobby Corps. Lastly, advocacy takes many forms, and I lobbied Student Housing when they were implementing mandatory Aggie Cash and got them to make some minor concessions.”

Former Senator
Erica Padgett

Initial Platforms
Increase inventory in library reserves
Development of more mobile apps and websites

“As I’ve discovered through talking with the library, a lot of the problem is that the publishing companies are charging a lot of money for books to be purchased. Also, it’s difficult with new editions coming out. There are also issues with readers, so it’s not a single-set problem and there are a lot of issues still standing within the industry as well as building awareness among the faculty on alternative forms of resources. There are more books in reserves as it currently stands, but there’s a lot more that needs to be done.

The mobile apps have been discussed a lot. Currently, Creative Media has a lot on their plate with a lot of the new responsibilities that it has. They’re making new websites for the different units, revamping old websites, creating advertisements for offers. As it stands right now, it’s still in a long list of projects that are currently being processed by Creative Media. I really hope that it ends up going through all of the red-tape.”

Former Senator
Jared Crisologo-Smith (email interview)

Initial Platforms
Create more power outlets on campus
Create a fundraising resource guide
Lobby for affordable education within and outside the university

“While I was not able to complete all of my initial platforms, I am very proud of my work as a senator. As the adopted senator for Lobby Corps, I introduced the package of state legislation for official support by the ASUCD Senate and went on numerous lobbying visits to the capitol. I fought for funding for the Filipin@, Black, Native, Lavender, Southeast Asian, Chican@/Latin@ and Muslim Community Graduation Celebrations and stood firm in opposing tens of thousands of dollars of cuts to grants benefiting students from historically underrepresented communities. My proudest accomplishment was helping to found the SMART slate, and in doing so ensure [sic] a voice for underrepresented students within ASUCD.”

Former Senator
Patrick Sheehan (email interview)

Initial Platforms
Reduce bike theft
Advocate for change in academic policies (including strengthening the ASUCD and Academic Senate connection)

“I accomplished what I set out to do for reducing bike theft by working directly with the Bike Barn and the UC Davis Police Department (UCDPD). Unfortunately, I cannot yet discuss the details of the program.

As for advocating for specific academic change, I submitted two similar pieces of legislation to the Academic Senate to amend grading policies (to give A+’s higher weight). Both failed in the Undergraduate Council.

I will admit that my actions did not improve the connection between the Academic Senate any further than letting the body know which academic policies students disagree with.”

JOANNA JAROSZEWSKA can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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