90.8 F

Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Letter to the Editor: In response to the article “Healthy for the Holidays” on Jan. 9

Health Education and Promotion (HEP) would like to comment on the article titled “Healthy for the Holidays” by Naomi Nishihara. This article contains a wealth of information about how to stay healthy during — and after — the holiday season through a combination of healthy food choices and increased physical activity.

Last spring, HEP launched a Physical Activity Campaign promoting the recommendation that students participate in 30 minutes of activity on at least five days a week. This can be broken up into 10-minute bouts, which is a great way for students to fit the recommended amount of activity into a busy schedule.

Check out our website atshcs.ucdavis.edu/hep for some great physical activity, nutrition and other wellness resources. Also, make sure to click on the Physical Activity Map at maps.shcs.ucdavis.edu/ to find places to work out, get equipment and find other resources for all your physical activity needs.

Thank you for including an article about staying healthy throughout the holidays. This is an important topic, and getting this information out to the student population is a great way to encourage happy, healthy lifestyles at UC Davis.

Diana Grandi
Harvest Garden and Nutrition Student Assistant
Health Education and Promotion


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