96.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Roving Reporter

In this age of digital downloads, pirating, torrenting and CDs, music is more accessible and easily obtained than ever before. With so many ways to achieve the same end-result of a library full of songs, students had different and creative ways of getting music.

“I use a variety of different venues. I started using Spotify and Pandora because it makes it easier to obtain music. However, if there is an album that I like, I’ll buy it. My motto is: if I really enjoy an album, I buy it.” — Albert Aguilera, nutritional biologist graduate student

“I get it from a YouTube converter, which is just a separate website that takes the URL of the video and converts it into a sound file that I can then download. It takes a long time to download each song, and it’s not very good quality, but I’d rather do that than pay a dollar for every song.” — Liz Mack, third-year biological sciences major with neurobiology, physiology and behavior emphasis

“There is a mixture of sources. Sometimes I buy it, sometimes I pirate it. It’s really a question of if I like one song by a certain artist or if I like the whole album; if I like the whole album, I’ll buy it. When it’s just one song, I’ll use a YouTube converter.” — Susan Yoon, law student

“I use iTunes when I have gift cards. When I run out, I use Spotify on my computer, which you hook up to your Facebook to create and share music playlists with friends. It has most of the popular music, but also different stuff like a cappella playlists and covers.” — Vaishali Mittal, fourth-year biomedical engineering major

“In high school, I downloaded music illegally. Now I use last.fm and Pandora. I have lower standards, and it’s hard to find music that I like, and it’s just so easy to put on a station [with last.fm and Pandora]. Sometimes I’ll use YouTube [in browser] and follow the rabbit hole of recommended music that pops up after each video finishes.” — Arshia Ehsanipour, fourth-year biomedical engineering major

“I actually buy all of my music off of iTunes. I’m not proud of it, and it’s very expensive, but that $1.29 per song is worth it for the safety for my computer. I used to torrent all my music, and my computer broke down — while I’m not sure if it’s the torrent’s fault, it’s just safer to buy my music.” — Albert Aramayo, fourth-year political science and English double major

“When I was younger, I bought all my music, but I found out about downloading with YouTube converters, and it’s so much easier. If I want more than just one song at a time from an artist, I’ll torrent whole albums.” — Sam Le, second-year computer science major

“I usually only listen to music when I’m driving. I’ll just switch around to different stations on the radio until I find something that I like. It’s just music.” — Trang Ngo, fourth-year design and communication double major

“I Spotify all the free albums I can. [Spotify] offers you [an] upgrade for more music, but it requires a monthly payment. It’s the same thing for the Spotify app on my phone, they give it to you free for a month, but after that, they make you get the upgrade. After my month was up, I stopped using it. It’s too expensive.” — Walinda Xaysongkham, third-year human development major

“If I like an album such as the Taylor Swift or Ke$ha albums, I am sure to go buy it on a CD.” — Shane Taypay, fourth-year civil engineering major

“I download music using the YouTube converter for convenience. If I’m going to a party, my iPod gets used as the playlist, so I quickly get songs [from the converter]. The songs are already on YouTube, but I’m not paying for it, so I’m not sure if it’s illegal.” — Andrea Manrique, fourth-year clinical nutrition major

“I get my music off of this Android app on my phone called GTunes Music. It’s free; all I have to do is type in a song name and it gets downloaded right onto my phone. It’s not whole albums, just single songs at a time, but it’s a pretty fast download.” — Lizett Jaime, first-year civil engineering major

HANNAH KRAMER can be reached at features@theaggie.org.


  1. […] Roving Reporter “When I was younger, I bought all my music, but I found out about downloading with YouTube converters, and it's so much easier. If I want more than just one song at a time from an artist, I'll torrent whole albums.” — Sam Le, second-year computer … Read more on The Aggie […]


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