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Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Tweets of the Week

Jan. 18
reclaim UC @reclaimuc
yudof, birgeneau, celaya… what about katehi?

Jan. 20

Michael Ian Black @michaelianblack
Preview of the kinds of football references I’ll be making during the next two weeks: “Just made myself a super bowl of cereal!”

Jan. 23

Stephen Colbert ‏@StephenAtHome
I believe Ayn Rand’s first love poem went: Roses are red/ violets are blue/ finish this poem yourself / you dependent parasite

Jan. 24

Jerry Brown ‏@JerryBrownGov
California is back, its budget is balanced and we are on the move. Let’s go out and get it done.

Jan. 27

Andy Verderosa ‏@Andyverderosa
Ugh, someone send me some good articles on the human condition so I can turn off MSNBC.

Tweets of the week is a new recurring feature compiled by BECKY PETERSON. This week’s should be called “Tweets of the last two weeks.” We’re still working on the name and taking suggestions. To contribute to Tweets of the week, e-mail opinion@theaggie.org with the tweet, the tweeter and a link.


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