95.7 F

Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Increase in UC Davis international transfer applications

UC Davis experienced a 23 percent increase in applications from international transfer students for Fall 2013, the largest percentage increase of all University of California schools.

According to the UC Office of the President, UC Davis received a total of 69,642 applications, an 11.4 percent increase from 2012. Of these applications, 8,789 were from international students. Additionally, 6,747 were international students applying as first-years, a 65 percent increase from 2012.

The University received 2,042 applications from international students applying as transfers, a 23 percent increase and the largest increase of any UC. UC Riverside saw the second-largest increase in international transfer student applications at 21.9 percent.

“For the last three years, UC Davis has put forth a significant effort in the area of outreach and recruitment to create a more global campus community,” said Walter Robinson, director of UC Davis Undergraduate Admissions. “The benefits of outreach and recruitment efforts are starting to show. We’re starting to receive applications of highly qualified students who come from globally diverse communities.”

According to Robinson, this all ties into Chancellor Linda Katehi’s 2020 Initiative.

“The general direction is one of growth,” Robinson said. “Of students from across the nation, the globe and from all regions of California.”

According to the “2020 Initiative: Work Plan” from Nov. 30, 2011, one of the three main goals is to create a more diverse scholarly community.

UC Davis seeks to accomplish this by increasing the proportion of national and international students while increasing the enrollment of California residents, encouraging international experiences for non-international students and increasing the amount of international graduate students and faculty members.

“We’ve been very intentional in developing a strategic recruitment plan,” Robinson said.

Systemwide, there was a 30.9 percent increase in applications from international students, both first-years and transfers.

“We are still seeing increases,” Robinson said. “People still consider the University of California to be one of the best values in undergraduate education and graduate education in the world.”

MEREDITH STURMER can be reached at city@theaggie.org.


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