95.7 F

Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Editorial: Tell the truth

We here at The Aggie are all about low expectations; it leads to an overall better experience. Imagine a reader’s pleasant surprise when they discover the 15-inch article you’ve been touting is actually 30 inches with two large photos and a gorgeous byline. A thick stream of happiness is sure to ensue.

As such, we hold all facets of UC Davis under the same strict standard of excellence, with a somewhat questionable reputation. The dining commons are no exception.

If a specific dish is slated for a particular meal, it is the responsibility of the dining commons staff to follow through with their promise. Last-minute menu changes are unacceptable without proper addendums to the website as well. Otherwise, unsuspecting students dole out precious (and expensive) swipes for dishes they never wanted to suffer through in the first place.

Sure, the menus remain accessible to students of all backgrounds for every meal. But if a (hypothetical) dashing young Muslim editor reads “almond chicken” on the menu only to discover “pulled pork sandwiches,” he’s not likely inclined to happily settle for Blue Onion’s “seitan salad” just because a higher power won’t smite him with a bolt of lightning for it. He’s going to bike to Raja’s Tandoor and grumble about how his only option that night was a dish that both sounds and tastes like it’s made from the devil’s asscrack.

It is the DC’s responsibility to keep the thousands of students who utilize their facilities each day updated and informed. We are depending upon their word in order to make educated decisions about our dining options.

After all, if one plans to waste $14 on shitty food, they should at least be able to savor the shitty food they originally wanted.

Dependability and low expectations. At least McDonald’s holds true to the saying that a bad surprise should never end up in your mouth.



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