42.9 F

Davis, California

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

News in Brief: Yolo Superior Court looking for jurors

Applications for the 2013-14 Yolo County Grand Jury are now being accepted. Juror qualifications can be found at yolocounty.org.

Each year, the Yolo Superior Court impanels 19 jurors. The grand jury reviews the operations of the city and county government, other tax-supported agencies and special districts. The jury publishes its reviews and recommends ways to improve quality and effectiveness of the local government.

The term of service is from July 1 to June 30. The average time commitment is 25 to 40 hours a month. The grand jury meets twice per month in the evening.

The jurors are reimbursed $15 per day of attendance and 55 cents per mile round trip from their home to the meeting location.

Two training sessions will occur before the new term begins. All applications must be submitted before Feb. 14 to the Yolo Superior Court.

— Claire Tan


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