62.2 F

Davis, California

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Editorial: Rocking in the freeworld

KDVS 90.3, UC Davis’ freeform radio station, is taking steps toward opening up a downtown music venue. Adding such a space for audiophiles of all ages will greatly improve the music culture in Davis, and make weekends a lot more fun.

The radio station recently hosted an event in conjunction with the Davis Music Festival to test out the community desire. The concert, held in the old Dimple Records location on Third and F streets, garnered a lot of interest, according to KDVS General Manager Renner Burkle.

Though the logistics and event location are yet to be finalized, we support KDVS in their efforts, and encourage the community to provide patronage to such a space and support the ever-fluctuating arts scene in Davis. We want a downtown venue, even if it means paying a cover to watch a band called Cat Party.

(This location will be separate from KDVS’ new recording studio in South Davis, which also sounds really cool.)

KDVS is no stranger to putting on shows. Volunteers and employees of the station regularly host garage bands in their homes, inviting the community to headbang on family-heirloom couches. But most of these couches are in North and East Davis, meaning someone has to DD, or everyone has to bike in the cold.

We love these shows too, and a venue would in no way replace their significance. But sometimes while rocking out you just really need a bagel. Or pizza. Or some Indian food. Downtown has a lot more food than the Davis ‘burbs.

If you’re not already convinced, perhaps devoted audience members of music’s past will renew your faith. Davis regulars once flocked to Sacramento for the venue experience. Unlisted and untalked about, the late venue The Hub (R.I.P.) gave KDVS Presents the opportunity to reach out to greater audiences and give local bands more exposure than they may have had in their best friend’s living room.

Though the circumstances surrounding The Hub’s closure are mysterious, all small venues face the same struggles of cranky neighbors, expensive rent and an unsupportive community.

Let’s not allow KDVS’ new baby to turn into just another forgotten dream. Let’s commit as a community and campus to rocking out, hard, in a public space.


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