62.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Veterinary students win ultrasound system with music video

The Food Animal and Reproduction Medicine (FARM) Club at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine received a large animal Easi-Scan ultrasound machine, after winning a national music video competition by BCF Technology.

According to a FARM club news release, the machine is worth over $10,000 and is most often used in bovine medicine for pregnancy diagnosis, but can be also be used to diagnose other conditions.

The club created a spoof video (below), “‘COW’-lifornia Girls,” based on Katy Perry’s California Girls.

“We had a lot of fun creating the music video, and hope everyone had just as much fun watching it! We were proud to able to reach a wide network of closely connected people that love to support local California student organizations,”  said Michelle Sanborn, FARM Club Publicity Commissioner and second year veterinary student in the news release.

15 veterinary student organizations entered the competition. Other finalists included student groups from University of Wisconsin at Madison, Purdue University, University of Pennsylvania and Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine.

Over 6,100 people voted, according to the BCF website.

The competition began with a photo round that would capture student enthusiasm, then technical articles on suggested topics were submitted and judged by a veterinary panel, according to the release.

BCF Technologies is a leader in bovine fertility detection using ultrasound.

More informtion on the UC Davis FARM Club can be found at www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/Clubs/farm.

— Muna Sadek



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