Peeping tom
Someone was watching through binoculars and believed there to be a mountain lion sitting and whining in a tree on Russell Boulevard.
Too old to trick-or-treat, too young to die
Someone reported a 20-year-old man wearing black leather and a gold chain that rang the bell to trick-or-treat even though the reporter’s house was dark on Rockwell Drive.
Mean spirited
Somebody saw a shadow of a person outside his window followed by someone opening his front door on Sycamore Lane.
Bike snob
An elderly person refused to let a biker merge into the left lane, passed them with a foot to spare and yelled at them to get off the road on Pole Line Road.
Train wreck
Someone was sitting in the bushes near the train tracks yelling and cussing at passersby on Fourth Street.
Out of the frying pan…
On Adams Street, someone went into a residence, turned on all the gas burners, and started a fire in the bathroom.