97.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

This Week in Senate

Senator Pamela Nonga was absent, while Senator Amrit Sahota, President Carly Sandstrom and Controller Eric Evans left early. Bradley Bottoms, ASUCD vice president, presided over the meeting.

The highlight of the meeting was the void of President Sandstrom’s veto on Senate Bill 11. The bill proposed to donate $2,500 to Aggies of Color for the 25th Annual Student of Color Conference (SoCC). SoCC provides students of color a platform to discuss issues affecting all UC students. Senator Miles Thomas criticized President Sandstrom for vetoing the bill within 24 hours, not allowing SoCC supporters enough time to prepare counter-arguments. Sandstrom urged the senators to think more critically about senate reserve spending. The veto was void because the bill’s author, Francisco Lara, was not notified about the veto. The bill was passed by a 7-3-2 vote to provide Aggies of Color funding in support of the 2013 SoCC.

CALPIRG’s Chapter Chair, Donna Farvard, presented the history behind the pledge system, its effectiveness and how its restoration is the next step. Senator Thomas also presented the issues with ASUCD money.

“I want the budget website up-to-date. We have no transparency. I want to simplify student government,” Thomas said.

University Affairs Director Dillan Hortan presented his quarterly report. It was revealed to senate that the UC Ambassadors program was stopped, which they were unaware of prior to the report.

Senate Bill 12, to permit directed comments to elected officials under Robert’s Rules of Order, was considered. While the order is in effect, ASUCD Senate cannot directly address anyone but the presiding officer. Those against were concerned that some may not be outspoken enough to provide reasoning behind their voting decisions to which Senator Maxwell Kappes responded, “If you don’t feel comfortable with speaking or voting you should probably find a new line of work. This job is tough.” The bill passed in a 9-2-1 vote.

There was no new legislation.


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