95.7 F

Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Meet Your Representatives: Victoria Tam and Gareth Smythe


Name: Victoria Tam
Major: Undeclared social sciences
Position: Commissioner for the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Committee
Year: Second year

What career do you hope to pursue after your education? How will ASUCD help you in your future plans?

I came to Davis thinking I’d be a lawyer, and I discovered that I’d rather be helping younger students who need a little more push and encouragement, so I want to go into teaching — probably middle school or high school. ASUCD is definitely a busy organization, and being in ECAC which is a part of ASUCD is really helping me learn how to interact with people. You’re always busy planning something with other people, or listening to others give presentations about their legislation. It’s great for social skills — people skills.

What’s your favorite drink at the CoHo and why do you like that drink in particular?

Ahh! I get the drink that they have every month. They get me every time! I feel like people mostly buy them because they’re “limited,” but yeah they got me there.

What’s your biggest fear?

Not living up to people’s expectations. Yeah, my family — my mom in particular. It’s a family thing. Coming to college has really gotten me to loosen up a bit, I feel like I can breathe now.

If you were giving a graduation speech, what would your theme be?

I read this book the other day about bamboo, how it bends but doesn’t break. So you know when life throws stuff at you, you could use that idea. No matter life’s hurdles, be a bamboo: bend but don’t break!

If you give one person you know a superpower, what would it be and why would you choose that person?

Woah! I should’ve studied! It’s usually for yourself, I have to think about that. Oh man, I have so many people I’d give superpowers too. Um… well I have this one friend who’s going through some sort of self-reflective problems. I’d like to be able to give him the power to see beyond himself, and not be trapped with thoughts that are hurting him.

How confident do you think you are on a scale of 1-10?

For the political issues, I’m pretty confident so I’d say an 8 or 9.
But on a day-to-day basis, probably a 6.


Name: Gareth Smythe
Major: Double major in political science and history
Postion: ASUCD Senator
Year: Second year

What is your favorite memory from your hometown?

I was born in Torrance, Calif. but I live in Seal Beach so about 20 to 30 minutes away from L.A. Well, I was walking with some friends at the beach and all these sea lions were coming up on the sand. You know, it’s called Seal Beach for a reason. So I got to see them come up on the beach and everyone was taking pictures and it was really nice to be a part of that community experience.

What was the deciding factor that helped you pick Davis?

I was overwhelmed by the beauty. Also consistently, everyone’s been so friendly, that’s just the Davis culture — a smile and a wave. I’m a tree person, I love the trees, and I was going through the Arboretum and the redwood exhibit and it’s so beautiful. Then I stepped onto the Quad and there’s these huge trees and big flagpole and I just knew that this is the place I want to spend my time at. So I canceled all my other tours, and Davis was my first tour!

If you were giving a graduation speech, what would your theme be?

My theme would be the culture of UC Davis and how it can relate to your real life. So taking what it is that we do best here, so empathy which is kindness, which is accepting of all cultures, which is working together towards a goal — taking that out of this community and dispersing it throughout the country and the world. This whole #oneucdavis campaign, the message is “despite our differences we are united as one;” I think that’s something that the world is losing sight of.

What’s your ideal date?

My ideal date involves great conversation, good food and something with the Arboretum. I love the Arboretum, just walking through it or something like that.

Who is the person who you most admire and look up to?

There’s so many people that come into our lives that we look up to. My grandfather has had a huge influence on my life. He was very successful in his life and he’s kind of given me his philosophy on how to manage people, how you use honesty to control the situation and how you never let your emotions get the better of you. Always stay in the rational and the logical because only through that do you get the actual work done.

How confident do you think you are on a scale of 1-10?

In sociology class we’re talking about something called egoism, which is how everyone rates themselves higher than they actually are, so I’m not confident in my confidence … but I would say probably about an eight.


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