On Feb. 10, ASUCD President Carly Sandstrom carried out her Promise for Education after raising $250 for undergraduate scholarships.
Promise for Education was a campaign to raise funds for undergraduate scholarships for UC schools. The campaign took place during the six weeks leading up to Oct. 31, 2013. Students, alumni, faculty and UC supporters were encouraged to make a promise and set a crowdfunding goal to raise funds.
The California State Government now only bears the weight of only 39 percent of a UC student’s college education, whereas it used to cover 79 percent. Last year, students and their families had to provide for a bigger cost of their college education than the state.
This was the second UC Davis-related Promise for Education in as many weeks. On Feb. 3, Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi served coffee at the ASUCD Coffee House. Sandstrom pledged to impersonate a photograph of herself as an isolated child model, which has appeared in various media such as psychology lectures at UC Davis and Fresno State and in CNN articles titled “Fat is the New Ugly on the Playground” and “Child Shyness Disorder.”
She mimicked the photograph in the display case of the vacated Bike Hub in the Memorial Union across the the bookstore from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“The door was locked so no one could get in unless I allowed, and really it was like being on display all day,” Sandstrom said via email.
Melina Moss-Vazquez, a second-year political science major, was one of the many students who witnessed Sandstrom reenacting the photo during the day.
“It was really cool of her to do that because she didn’t have to, but she did it for something that she thought was important,” Moss-Vazquez said. “I think that’s really important at Davis to show the fellow students that they can get things done if they really try hard.”