60.7 F

Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Mondavi Center hosts Circa’s “S”

On March 30, The Mondavi Center will host the Australian circus group Circa. Circa will be performing their show “S,” a captivating and raw example of the modern circus. Drawing inspiration from the smooth contours and constantly changing directions of the letter “s,” the cast will explore their physical and emotional limits with organic and powerful acrobatics.

The performance is influenced by the simplicity of the letter “S.” With no numbers, acts, props or even elaborate costumes, the ensemble is said to be able to capture a sense of purity and vulnerability with their movement. As a result, Circa’s acrobatics engage the audience’s emotions.

According to Yaron Lifschitz, the CEO and Artistic Director of Circa, “S” is a different piece from what he has done in the past. Lifschitz said he was excited about “S” being regarded as something beyond explanation but still moving.

“It [“S”] is a place where the body and the artist become a resonant, poetic, theatrical, medium that generates an authentic human connection between the performers and the audience,” Lifschitz said. “One thing that I like about the show is an expression of an emotion that does not quite have a name. I hope the audience feels something when they watch it and call that thing ‘S.’”

In nine years, Circa has travelled to over 27 countries and has been praised for their flawless beauty and creativity.

Thomas Kriegsmann, the company’s US touring representative, has traveled with Circa during their US tour and commented on the strengths of Circa’s performers.

“I cannot speak highly enough of Circa’s performers,” Kriegsmann said. “The circus artist is such a rare form of human being — my understanding of it still merely scratches the surface. I consider myself someone who dedicates a lot of time and sacrifice to their craft, but it can never compare to the depth of dedication and personal risk of a Circa performer.”

“S” will feature the unique musical team of widely praised artists Kimmo Pohjonen, Samuli Kosminen and the Kronos Quartet. The musical soundtack, titled “Uniko,” consists of an accordion, eerie synth samples and a dynamic stringed quartet.

“It is a tremendously powerful piece, a wonderful piece of music at its core,” Lifschitz said. “It all adds a sort of musical heartbeat that group explores physically.”

This is Circa’s second performance at the Mondavi Center. Their show is part of a group of movement based acts hosted by the venue titled the Marvels series. The Mondavi Center’s associate executive director and director of programming, Jeremy Ganter said he is impressed with how much Circa has grown as a group.

“It really is that every time you see a new work from Circa it is a complete surprise how much they have transformed,” said Ganter. “Circa is a company that is doing movement at a high level and bringing something new to the table and new to the genre of circus.”

“S” will take place in The Mondavi Center’s Jackson Hall. Doors open at 3 p.m. Ticket prices for the performance will range from $12.50 to $49. For more information about purchasing tickets, show times or information visit www.mondaviarts.org.


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