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Davis, California

Friday, February 7, 2025

This Week in Senate: April 17, 2014

ASUCD Vice President Maxwell Kappes presided over the senate meeting held on April 17 in the Mee Room on the third floor of the MU. The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m.

Senate began with presentations by Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Adela de la Torre and Associate Vice C hancellor Milton Lang. Janice Corbett, ASUCD business manager, and Tracy Bennett, Student Affairs controller, were also included. They each discussed the preferred ways for ASUCD members to contact them.

During the committee reports, Ben Marchman, the Student-Police Relations chairperson, updated senate on the open letter for Assembly Bill 540 undocumented students to allow engagement between these students and both campus police and City of Davis police without negative repercussions. The letter intends to encourage victims of crime to turn to the police unafraid. Next, Senator Azka Fayyaz announced that the “Each Aggie Matters” movement to raise mental health awareness began a grant system. Grants will be available to students, faculty and staff.

Senate then motioned to move to Senate Bill #65, which updates the relationship between ASUCD and The California Aggie. Since The Aggie no longer prints weekly, the ASUCD president pro tempore will no longer be required to provide information from weekly senate meetings every Monday. The bill passed in a 12-0-0 vote.

Next, senate moved on to consider Senate Resolution #18, which formally endorses CA AB 1977 and appropriates funding from the State General Fund to the Regents. The resolution increases financial support and representation for Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnerships programs and passed 12-0-0.

The meeting proceeded to appointments and confirmations in which senate confirmed Liam Burke to the Student-Police Relations Committee.

Senate motioned to move to Senate Bill #57, which limits the duration of weekly senate meetings to six hours. The bill failed in a 4-7-0 vote.

Senator Katie Sherman then motioned to move into public announcements that included the upcoming TEDx event and Global Health Day which UC Davis was chosen to hold this year by UC Regents.

Senator Mariah Watson motioned to move back to old legislation and senate then discussed Senate Bill #62. The bill passed updating Chapter 16 of the ASUCD Bylaws to unify ASUCD marketing in social media and its services, as well as govern Creative Media’s new marketing department. Senate Bill #61, which prohibits active campaigning during academic time in a classroom, passed in a 9-1-2 vote.

After elected officer reports, the meeting proceeded to public discussion, in which a member of the public announced the cancellation of the May 1 Holy Ghost! concert scheduled to take place at Freeborn Hall. President Pro Tempore Gareth Smythe also mentioned a letter he was presented with by Wooju Kim, chief justice of the ASUCD Court, regarding a judicial code violation by Associate Justice Jason Trinidad (whose name had been released earlier in the meeting), who missed a hearing. A motion for an indictment hearing passed.

Senate then approved April 10 senate meeting minutes and the meeting adjourned at 12:19 a.m.

NICOLE YI can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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