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Davis, California

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Aggie Style Watch: Editor Edition

Since our usual Aggie Style columnist is out with an injury, I (the Arts Editor at The California Aggie), have decided to fill in for her so that all of you lovely readers don’t miss out on a moment of fashion. Be forewarned, though, that I am not exactly what you might call a “fashionista,” a “visual artist” or a “person that has a decent/mediocre eye for style,” but I tried, and I asked my fellow editors to help me out (editors featured below in alphabetical order).

Melissa Dittrich (Opinion Editor): When I think of cozy fashion, I think about Melissa. Whether she’s donning a cute-comfy Beatles T-shirt, snuggling a cat, or attempting to find her way out of a big-ass circle scarf, there is never a moment Melissa doesn’t look like she is ready to stay in and still look fab. In my opinion (get it?!), Melissa’s fashion sense embodies a hipster cat, and I think that’s rad.


Scott Dresser (Campus Editor): Whether he is suppressing the urge to rip his hair out at ASUCD meetings or shaking hands with politicians (don’t worry, he uses Purell), Scott’s ensemble is always cool, calm, collected and brownish. Like Melissa, he is also going for that sassy-as-a-cat persona, but unlike her, his feline-esque-ness is more of a “basic American Short hair,” as suggested by his solid, blocky style.


Gabriella Hamlett (City Editor): If these photos don’t make it clear, Gabi is the very essence of the City of Davis. Confident, fun and a little dreamy, Gabi can strut her stuff on Russell Blvd. As Ritika (our vegetarian Features Editor) puts it, “Gabi’s style makes her look like a vegetarian, even though she’s not a vegetarian.” Ms. Hamlett definitely pulls off that pseudo-vegetarian look, and does it with ease with her signature clogs.

Ritika Iyer (Features Editor): As the Features Editor, Ritika has to be sure her style is always in the spotlight, but not in a too-cray way. She goes for simple patterns like plaids to assure that if she spills one of her daily pints of coffee on herself, it won’t be too noticeable. Ritika truly understands that fashion-forwards means she needs to be on the move while changing clothes because there is literally no extra free time in her schedule.


Akira Olivia Kumamoto (Arts Editor): This is me in an orange poncho that Fox Broadcasting company sent me. I try to keep my fashion low-key, as not to look like the stereotypical Arts Editor (you know, those indie-alt looking writers with purple hair, thick-rimmed prescription Ray Bans, faux-leather boots, crazy nail-polish, kind of tired-looking, smells like coffee and talks to inanimate objects; gross, I hate those kind of people).


Ryan Reed (Sports Editor): Ryan doesn’t even really like fashion and he mostly just cares about sports and Justin Bieber, but he still does his best to try and bring the MVP vibe when he dresses himself. As Sports Editor, Ryan goes for simplicity and comfort to assure that even if he’s getting heated over a missed goal, a split-second track loss, or the outdated wrath of Bieber-fever, he still looks cool and collected.


Alissa Reyes (Managing Editor): As one of the women who has to monotonously edit articles before publication, Alissa has the tendency to daydream, romanticizing the workplace and imagining herself in Neverland. Knowing that her Disney-esque pursuits are not actually possible, though, Alissa instead turns to fashion instead to express her dual love of professionalism and wonder.


Muna Sadek (Editor in Chief): Muna doesn’t sleep, which is, of course, what she signed up for when accepting the role of Editor in Chief. She  puts up with everyone’s crap, but acts like she’s not putting up with anyone’s crap. She’s also gluten-free. She basically does all of this stuff and still looks amazing all the time. *Mumbles something about her color palette or fashion or whatever.*


Aggie Style Watch would like to thank Melissa for letting me eat her chips and all her food in general, Scott for singing under his breath all the time, Gabi for singing above her breath all the time, Ritika for eating my cookies even though she doesn’t like cookies, Ryan for letting me cover his desk with Hello Kitty stickers, Alissa for always having pens at hand and Muna for not imploding while simultaneously trying to put The Aggie back into print. If you’d like to let me know that I am the worst Aggie Style Watch columnist ever and that you want Allison Reiss back ASAP, you can email me at arts@theaggie.org or Tweet me @akiraolivia.

Graphic by The California Aggie Graphics Team

Photos by Katie Lin.



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