95.7 F

Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Letter of solidarity with AEPi from the University of La Verne

We are writing to condemn in the strongest terms possible the spray painting of swastikas on the Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) house across from the University of California, Davis campus this past Saturday, January 31. We commend Chancellor Linda Katehi, Executive Vice Chancellor Ralph Hexler and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Adela de la Torre for denouncing this Anti-Semitic act and we agree with them that this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated on any campus, against any group.  These acts are offensive not only to the group targeted, but to all who abhor and reject the kind of hate and violence that this symbol represents.  We were pleased as well to see that Students for Justice in Palestine, the Muslim Student Association, the Arab Student Union, M.E.Ch.A, the Black Student Union, ASUCD and several other organizations condemned the act and urged that the vandals who perpetrated this act be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Regardless of what one’s position is on Palestine, there is no place for these expressions of hate and intolerance in the debate. Regardless of the frequency of these cowardly and hateful acts, it is vitally important to respond publicly, collectively and forcefully when they do occur.

The swastika and what it represents, and other acts of hatred toward Jews, are an affront to all of us, not just Jews.  We can never feel completely safe, but if we feel unsafe, it should not be because of our appearance, ethnicity, surname or religious and other beliefs.  We stand in solidarity with the members of AEPi, other members of UC, Davis Jewish community and anyone who denounces unequivocally these hateful and loathsome acts.


Héctor L. Delgado, Professor, Sociology

Roberto Catalano, Professor, Music

David Flaten, Professor, Theatre Arts

Michael Frantz, Professor, Mathematics

Randy Gratz, Public School Administrator

Reed Gratz, Professor, Music

Clive Houston-Brown, University Administrator

Jay Jones, Professor, Biology

Jeffrey Kahan, Professor, English

George Keeler, Professor, Communications

Kevin Marshall, Professor, College of Law

Carol Stephenson, Professor, Music

Zandra Wagoner, University Chaplain

Raffi Zinzalian, Graphics


Graphic by Jennifer Wu


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