78 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024


“Love Recognizes no Barriers,

Love jumps hurdles, leaps fences,

penetrates walls to arrive

at its destination full of hope”

— Maya Angelou



“Sestina” by Allegra Jostad Silberstein

Sestina for my Long Lost Sister

I wake this morning to a clear blue sky,

The same color as the eyes of my sister.

With her blue eyes she saw a little mouse

Playing in a field of poppies

Under the essence of lavender

Beneath the flight of seagulls.



Casting shadows, up flew the seagulls

Higher and higher in the azure sky

Far above the garden of lavender

That brings thoughts of my long lost sister

Who loved a field filled with golden poppies

Where we used to play and found a mouse.


Where love nibbled like a soft gray mouse

And circled around us like soaring gulls.

I want to walk again in fields of poppies

With clear thoughts and cloudless skies,

Walk again with my long lost sister

Lulled by her special scent of lavender.


That sweet essence of lavender

Delighted the senses of the little mouse.

No one loved him like my sister.

The air was alive with circling seagulls

Gliding and soaring through the sky,

Far above the golden poppies.


As I walk in the light of poppies,

My nose tickled with purple lavender

Clouds form a face in the sky

Looking down on the little gray mouse

Through a circle of soaring seagulls

And I remember my sister,


My beautiful long lost sister

Who played with me in fields of poppies

Under the wheeling flight of seagulls

Lured by the wild scent of lavender

Rescued from sadness by a small gray mouse

Watched overhead by the face in the sky


Where my sister dances in lavender

With a magical mouse and a flutter of seagulls

As I look to the sky from a field of poppies.


Allegra Jostad Silberstein

aggieangeloupoet_150212Allegra Jostad Silberstein, a retired teacher, dancer and philanthropist, was named the first Poetry Laureate of Davis in 2010. She has featured poems in many anthologies, including The Sacramento Anthology: One Hundred Poems, Gatherings, A Woman’s Place and Where Do I Walk, and has also published poems in Poetry Depth Quarterly, The Yolo Crow, Blue Unicorn, Rattlesnake Press, Poetry Now, Iodine Poetry, Poetry of the New West and California Quarterly. You can visit her website at DavisPoet.net or catch her at poetry nights around town, including The Poetry Night Reading Series hosted by Dr. Andy Jones every first and third Thursday at John Natsoulas Gallery.


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Send your poetry to aggieangelous@gmail.com. Include your name, level of study (undergraduate, alum, graduate, faculty or staff) and field (interest, research, major, discipline), a short, one-to-two paragraph description about yourself and a headshot or personal photo.

Feel free to include your interests and/or hobbies, or maybe even your favorite quote! You can submit as often as you like with as many pieces of creative writing as you would like. Please feel free to email AggieAngelous with any questions, concerns or inquiries.

Graphic by CA Aggie Graphic Design Team

Photo by Courtesy


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