71.7 F

Davis, California

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Police Brief: Week of 2/1-2/8/15


Our little town of Davis never sleeps, and the Davis Police Department is there to keep the peace. The following are the most entertaining bits of the police activity in Davis. It is meant to be light-hearted and all in good fun.

FRIDAY, Feb. 6

Where there’s smoke there’s…a puppy:

4:36 p.m.: Two men seen smoking marijuana and playing with their yellow labrador.


So many randoms:

12:11 a.m.: An intoxicated man was reported to have been trying to get into random vehicles and falling on top of people.

Cops love their doughnuts:

4:55 p.m.: Blue Subaru Forester was seen doing “doughnuts” in a plot off  Country Road 32A.

SUNDAY, Feb. 8


1:11 a.m.: A drunk man was reported to be yelling at a passerby of his property and swinging a wine bottle at the subject.

Monopoly money:

1:49 p.m.: Someone paid with a fake $10 bill at a Third Street business.

The stick, the stick, the stick is on fire:

5:36 p.m.: 50 year-old-man seen holding a stick with the end on fire.

Graphic by CA Aggie Graphic Team



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