53.4 F

Davis, California

Saturday, February 15, 2025


In loving memory of the inclusivity and resilience of Maya Angelou


“Portrait of a Valley Man”

by Cameron Latchford


He lives for work and tomorrow’s rush

He lives at her place and mooches so much

Ignores it all and reckons his life is lush

He thinks he’s plush but the truth would make him blush


He wants a girl with long hair and painted nails

Tattoos on her back, metaphorical veils

He wants the image of the woman on his XL shirt

He wants a perfect marble statue he can desert



He never ponders what may unfold,

At the expense of his girl, comes hurtful jokes; or good fun that’s what she’s told

She brushes it off cos she’s conditioned not to be bold

But she wishes deeply he could not be so cold
He seeks a rush, he seeks a high

He wants to fly by and be the bad guy and never ask why

If he doesn’t get his way he may cry

Cos that’s what he does just to get by


He doesn’t please her cos he thinks it’s strange

That she would want him to exchange

Intimacy, and she begs him to change

But he just wants to flirt and disengage


He is the portrait of a valley man

He’s gross and misogyny is his operating plan

I wish he would leave, I’m really no fan

I’ll try to make him leave as soon as I can



by Cameron Latchford



She is not merely a marble slab

Yet she is not a delicious cut of beef

She exists as both;

One and the same.

She chooses.


She could be a gorgeous broccoli

(But that’s all nonsense and fun)

She can be whatever she pleases

That pleases me.


She can’t be controlled

She, she,

She is wild and on fire

Sometimes like a full blaze when she’s hyper

Sometimes like a warm simmer when she’s blazed.


I love her for it

Who wants to control his woman?

That’s dull as all hell

and Hellishly cruel.


Hell is a dull  board game

A pointless diversion of sharpened minds

That could be put to better use than

Learning the game


She and I we

Play around and we

Get up to nonsense but

It’s constructive nonsense

Ridiculous as it may be


We hone our minds and

Plan for the future

And she is so bright and beautiful

Yes, shiny eyes and beautiful

Yes, sizzling thoughts and beautiful

Yes, boiling desires and beautiful!


She never fails to amaze me

Take away my breath with her brilliant electricity

She can be whatever she wants to be with consent as the key

She can be.



“A Portrait of The Valley of a Man” and “She”

By Cameron Latchford

poemI am a transfer student here at UC Davis and I currently major in political science!  I spend most of my time studying public policy and reading economics textbooks, but when I’m not busy dealing with the quarter system, I like to write poetry, play piano and sing as loud as I possibly can! I enjoy listening to classical music, progressive rock and metal, and I’m very inspired by Emerson, Lake and Palmer.

Although I originally come from Sunnyvale and Palo Alto in the Bay Area, I’ve lived in many different places over the last few years, and I hope to continue traveling and exploring the world after I finish here at Davis!


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Send your poetry to aggieangelous@gmail.com. Include your name, level of study (undergraduate, alum, graduate, faculty or staff) and field (interest, research, major, discipline), a short, one-to-two paragraph description about yourself and a head shot or personal photo.

Feel free to include your interests and/or hobbies, or maybe even your favorite quote! You can submit as often as you like with as many pieces of creative writing as you would like. Please feel free to email aggieANGELOUS with any questions, concerns or inquiries.

Graphics by CA Aggie Graphic Design Team.




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