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Thursday, September 5, 2024

News in brief: celebrating culture with open arms

Shifa Community Clinic to host Culture Show



Every spring quarter, the Shifa Community Clinic hosts a culture show to celebrate the diversity and talent within the UC Davis community. The 2014-15 academic year marks the clinic’s fourth year hosting the event. Themed “In the Arms of Healing,” this year’s culture show will occur on Sunday.

Farsam Fraz, a fourth-year chemistry major and Shifa personnel manager, put into perspective the significance behind the show’s theme.

“In Arabic, the word ‘shifa’ literally means ‘healing,’” Fraz said. “The meaning behind the title of our event this year is to reflect the open arms and hearts of our clinic.”

A non-profit student-operated medical facility, Shifa Clinic, provides health services to medically uninsured patrons of the greater Sacramento region.

One of Shifa’s main objectives is to break down the language barriers often pervasive in healthcare communication. The clinic is attentive to those with backgrounds in Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Arabic, Bengali, Fijian, Farsi, Bosnian and Russian.

“Our doors are open to people from every type of background, and we strive to provide the absolute best care for our patients,” Fraz said.

Shifa also strives to provide the public with healthcare professionals representative of its community’s diversity. By doing so, the clinic hopes to create a more welcoming and supportive environment for all patients.

Shifa’s Culture Show seeks to personify the organization’s efforts to illuminate the significance of cultural awareness.

“Our annual culture show reflects the diversity amongst our volunteers and the community we serve,” Fraz said. “The unique characteristics and attributes of our medical staff and undergraduate volunteers is what makes Shifa, Shifa. We would be nowhere without the collective efforts of everyone.”

Ultimately, the Shifa Community Clinic Culture Show brings together medical discipline and the arts as a grand ode to culture. The celebration will feature dance, music, poetry readings, fashion showcases and more.

Aisha Hameed, Shifa board member and fifth-year international relations major, explained that the performances represent cultures of various countries, such as Pakistan, India, China, Japan and Latin America.

“Through watching the performances we hope attendees can appreciate the beauty of our diverse community, a diversity that is reflected in the way the clinic offers culturally competent medical services to our patients,” Hameed said.

By bringing together such distinct fields of studies, the Shifa Community Clinic demonstrates that diverse cultures can also thrive together.

“In the arms of healing, we are putting together this culture show so we can continue to better serve our patients and help them live longer, healthier lives,” Fraz said.

The event will take place in the ARC Ballroom from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Admission for the culture show is $15 for presale or $20 at the door. All proceeds will go directly to helping Shifa’s patients. For more information on the Shifa Community Clinic and its culture show, please visit its Facebook page.

Courtesy Graphic by Shifa Clinic.


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