Students discuss which fictional characters they wish were real
If you could bring one fictional character to life, who would it be and why?
Irene Whalen, fourth-year psychology and communication double major
“Spongebob Squarepants. He’s just so funny and he makes people laugh, [so] I want him sponge-sized so I can carry him around in my hand.”
Jason Hui, third-year computer science major
“Harry Potter. He can make me fly and [he could] “Wingardium Leviosa” my homework and impress the teacher.”
Marietta Martin, third-year political science major
“Katniss Everdeen. She’s so cool; she knows how to survive.”
Daryl Shaw, third-year political science major
“Jack Dawson, so I can stop crying at the end of Titanic.”
Lauren Stewart, fourth-year human development major
“Jim Halpert from The Office. He’s a funny kind of guy, I like a sense of humor in people. He [also] cares about those he loves.”
Shravya Guda, fourth-year chemical engineering major
“Chandler from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. He’s fluent in sarcasm [and] I appreciate his sense of humor.”
Ed Crowley, fourth-year chemical engineering major
“Batman, [because] he sticks to his batarangs.”
Timothy Cater, first-year neurobiology, physiology and behavior major
“Jake from Adventure Time — he’s really cool and he can do all this stretching. He is super nice and you can climb on his back and go on an adventure.”
Kenton Goldsby, first-year Spanish major
“Lisa Simpson. Lisa, a lot of time, gets looked down on, particularly because she is smart. She is a good role model in a dysfunctional family that has different opinions and that is a good way to come into college — because you’re going to meet a lot of different people. I also just really like the Simpsons.”
Lily Juarez, first-year biochemistry and molecular biology double major
“Harry Potter because magic.”
James Mayoral, second-year biological sciences major
“Yoda. [He is] full of wisdom and the ways of the force.”
Rami Rashmawi, second-year biological sciences major
“Gandalf the White [because] he knows the right thing to do in every situation. He is almost incorruptible [and] we need that in our society.”
Sarah Weigel, second-year wildlife and fish conservation biology major
“Leslie Knope. She has a lot of passion and drive, and if everyone in government were more like her or knew someone like her, then we would be a more productive community.”
Shivana Mistry, third-year managerial economics major
“Frank Underwood from House of Cards. I think he is creatively powerful — he can do whatever he wants.”