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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Women’s basketball starts season with exhibition win

Morgan Bertsch puts a shot up against the Humboldt State Lumberjacks. (MONICA CHAN / AGGIE)
Morgan Bertsch puts a shot up against the Humboldt State Lumberjacks. (MONICA CHAN / AGGIE)

The Aggies take down Humboldt State in overtime, 77-64

Tied at the end of the fourth quarter 61-61, UC Davis dominated in overtime to win the friendly exhibition game 77-64 against Humboldt State at the Pavilion. The game, although not affecting the Aggies record, showed off their skills as they go on to the start the season on Nov. 13 against Stanford.

Senior forward Celia Marfone stayed on the court a total of 32 minutes to put up four three-pointers, including two overtime extended their lead.

Sophomore shooting guard Rachel Nagel shot 15 points and recovered six rebounds. Nagel led the Aggies in point scoring, followed by Marfone (12 points) and senior forward Alyson Dougherty, who put up 13 points in the game after sinking seven of eight free throw attempts. Together, the three put up 40 of the 77 points in the game.

Making six of 10 free throws, sophomore point guard Dani Nafekh added eight points to the game and two defensive fouls.

While the whole game endured nearly five minutes of tied time, the fourth quarter was neck and neck.

The Aggies stole the lead against the Lumberjacks, holding them at 54 points while UC Davis went on to put up 61. Humboldt recovered late in the quarter to tie the game at 61-61 with 16 seconds left on the clock. The Aggies called for a 30-second timeout but were unable to convert the final play of the fourth quarter, which ended up as a missed jump shot by Marfone that was rebounded by Humboldt.

A five-minute overtime period was granted and sweat covered the faces of both teams, each fighting hard for the win.

Sophomore forward Pele Gianotti played a key role in overtime, adding six of the 13 point lead by the Aggies.

Neika Puryear scored the final Lumberjack shot with a three-pointer from the far left elbow in the remaining 16 seconds of the game, and Humboldt trailed UC Davis by 11 points.

Morgan Bertsch, redshirt freshman forward for the Aggies, sunk the final shot of the game to give UC Davis a 77-64 win.  

The women’s team will compete in their official home opener against Stanford on Nov. 13 at 7:30 p.m., following the men’s basketball debut.

Written by Veronica Vargo – sports@theaggie.org


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