95.7 F

Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

UC Davis students gather for nationwide Million Student March

ASUCD President Mariah Watson speaks to the crowd of Mizzou activists. (JAY GELVEZON / AGGIE)
ASUCD President Mariah Watson speaks to the crowd of Mizzou activists. (JAY GELVEZON / AGGIE)

Students stand in solidarity for Mizzou prior to march beginning 

On Nov. 12, UC Davis students protested across campus for two causes. The first protest was held at 12 p.m., when students gathered in solidarity for the recent racially-charged events that occurred at the University of Missouri.

The stand in solidarity was in response to death threats that African American students at the University of Missouri have been receiving after the resignation of university president Tim Wolfe. Wolfe resigned following a series of protests demanding better treatment for minority groups on campus. UC Davis’ stand existed to put an emphasis on the racial discrimination that continues to happen at institutions of higher education.

Shortly after at approximately 12:45 p.m., students gathered for the nationwide “Million Student March” protest, in which they demanded free tuition from public universities, cancellation of all student debt and a minimum of $15 per hour wage for all campus workers.

The march, often referred to as #MillionStudentMarch across social media platforms, began at the Memorial Union and continued throughout the rest of the campus with the protesters expressing their demands.

More details to follow.



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