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Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Roomies for life


Five things you learn as a freshman living with roommates.

When sharing a room with others, conflicts are bound to rise. However, you can have a great roommate experience — as long as you remember that the decisions you make are not only affecting you. Here are five things to keep in mind about your roommates:

  1. Your roommate may not end up being your best friend — and that’s okay.

When entering college, most people are on the lookout for people they’ll be studying or partying with into the late hours of the night. Many people assume the first person they’ll become besties with is their roommate. However, this isn’t always the case. Don’t be worried if your roommate doesn’t want to eat dinner together every day, or if they have plans with different people. It might take time, but you’ll find the friends you’re looking for — and if they do happen to be your roommate(s), count yourself lucky!


  1. Branch out.

If you and your roommates get along well, that’s great! But don’t let that keep you from exploring the amazing opportunities that UC Davis has to offer. Going out and experiencing new things and people can be difficult when you already have a set group, and some people end up sticking solely to what they know. Force yourself to get out! Go to a basketball game, try to meet students living in other halls or maybe even join different people at a table in the dining commons. Use your roommate as a confidence booster to experience new things.


  1. Communication is the key to harmonious living.

The best way to maintain a good relationship with your roommate is communication. The person or people you are living with might not have the same boundaries or rules as you. Listen to what they don’t like and voice any concerns you may have. It may be awkward at first, but it will help prevent even worse situations in the long run.


  1. Figure out sleeping schedules.

Being on the same page as your roommates with regards to sleeping schedules is key to roomie success. When two or three sleep-deprived people are in a room together, conflict is more likely — especially when the cause of that sleep deprivation is one roommates’ 3 a.m. Skype calls. Let each other know when you like to sleep so that the other(s) can plan accordingly.


  1. If you don’t like your roommates, don’t suffer in silence.

It is completely acceptable to dislike the people you were assigned to live with; not everyone gets along all the time. To prevent your living situation from making your life a misery, don’t be afraid to take advantage of the option to relocate. If you are having conflicts in the middle of the year, talk to your resident advisor (RA). They can offer various resources and options to help you reach a more comfortable housing situation. Don’t be afraid to speak up, and remember: no one’s forcing you to live with them in the future if you don’t want to.


Written by Amanda Cruz — features@theaggie.org


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