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Friday, July 26, 2024

This Week in Senate


The Oct. 27 ASUCD Senate meeting was called to order at 6:09 p.m. Senators Samantha Chiang, Sam Park and Julie Jung were absent at roll call, but Chiang and Jung arrived later in the meeting.

Darin Schleup, the director of the Coffee House (CoHo), gave a report as the first order of business. He announced that, this school year, the CoHo has hired 120 new student employees and has implemented a new point-of-sale system. Additionally, he said that the CoHo will run a coffee cart at the new Manetti Shrem Museum this year and will also run a trial to see if selling coffee in Shields Library in the evenings of finals week will be successful.

After Schleup, a student representative for a mobile app called JoyRun approached the Senate asking if ASUCD could share a JoyRun Facebook post on an official ASUCD page. The Senate did not make a final decision. Some senators then placed a JoyRun order for Chipotle mid-meeting.

From 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., the senate retired to a closed session for Peer Education and Community Empowerment (PEACE) training.

After the training, the senate confirmed Christopher Ortiz as the new Refrigerator Services unit director. Ortiz described his plan to cycle out old fridges that no longer work and replace them with working ones in order to cut down the fridge waitlist.

During the elections committee chair report, chair Sevan Nahabedian explained that he was still in the process of getting candidate statements online. He reported that one senate candidate had dropped out. The senate also discussed creating a polling place on campus for students to use in order to vote in ASUCD elections.

CalPIRG spoke next about improving general election voter turnout through voting pledges.

After a 10-minute recess, Senator Shaitaj Dhaliwal nominated Jung to serve on the Marketing Committee, and Jung accepted.

There was a public comment from a John Li, who, 30 years ago, wrote an article for The California Aggie about coping with stress and what students get out of a college education. He offered to send copies of the article to senators.

Representatives from Aggie Reuse then presented to about their operations. The unit has reached 96 percent of its income goal to make $1,800 during Fall Quarter. The unit plans to earn $2,100 each quarter this school year, for a total of $6,000 each year.

Senator Ricardo Martinez introduced a reimbursement bill for $88.76 for snacks he purchased for Mental Health Fair workshops. Chiang opposed the bill, asserting that this type of bill set a bad precedent for the senate after Senator Sofia Molodonof’s previous reimbursement bill set the senate up for failure. Additionally, she disapproved the purchasing of name-brand fruit snacks and dried fruits, which she believed were unnecessarily expensive.

ASUCD controller Joe DeAngelo, when asked by Senator Dalavai how much the senate had spent out of reserves this year, answered that the body had spent $300 to $400 of the $17,000 in reserves.

After Dhaliwal divided the house to see the reimbursement bill support and saw that the bill would pass, he called the motion into question and the reimbursement bill passed. All were in favor except for Chiang and Senator Parteek Singh. Park abstained because he was absent from the meeting.

Moving to consider new legislation, Senator Adilla Jamaludin sent a bill that would require elected senators to serve for three quarters to the Internal Affairs Commission.

Ex-officio members and senators then gave their reports.

The meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m.


Written by: Kenton Goldsby — campus@theaggie.org


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