43.7 F

Davis, California

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

This Week in Senate


ASUCD Interim Vice President Adilla Jamaludin called to order the first November senate meeting in the Memorial Union’s Mee Room at 6:11 p.m. on Nov. 3. Senators Julie Jung and Ricardo Martinez were absent during quorum roll call. Martinez arrived late.

The senate began with questions for new senator Matthew Chase McFadden. Questions focused on McFadden’s knowledge of general ASUCD processes, his platforms and his commitment to being a senator. McFadden showed knowledge and interest regarding senatorial duties, environmental issues and issues surrounding Greek life.

Next, Office of Advocacy & Student Representation (OASR) director Georgia Savage and OASR deputy director Sarah Shemery presented a report that included what each staff member has been doing and gave an update on UC Davis breaking off from the University of California Student Association (UCSA).

Martinez expressed his disappointment with the lack of diversity in the Student of Color Conference (SOCC) leadership to the OASR representatives. Martín Giron, a student who attended the senate meeting, mentioned that multiple individuals from the Chicanx/Latinx community felt left out because SOCC is the only space for Chicanx/Latinx leaders to be represented.

Savage believed this discussion should be held one-on-one and not in front of the senate. Senators Martinez and Chiang left the room to speak personally with the OASR leaders outside of the Mee Room.

Hannah Ulansey, director of the Campus Center for Environment (CCE), presented a report about the CCE’s collaboration with the Center for Educational Effectiveness. The report also included Project Compost’s merger with CEE, implementing compost bins on campus and starting a “red cup clean up” campaign to reduce waste within Greek life at UC Davis.

Three confirmations were then made during the meeting. Amelia Evard was confirmed as the Whole Earth Festival co-director. Doris Cortez was confirmed as Student Health and Wellness Center chair. Lastly, Sarah Risher was confirmed as Environmental Policy and Planning commission chair. There were no objections to the candidates.

Ari Kelman, a representative for the Chancellor Search Committee and chair of the Faculty Subcommittee, presented Policy 7102, the Regent’s policy on how to search for a new chancellor. The faculty subcommission is assigned to do initial rounds of vetting. The chosen candidates can be ignored by President Napolitano.

Following presentations and confirmations, legislations were presided over. Senate Bill No. 12 concerns bylaw 1705F, which states that all units must include ASUCD in their titles on all social media page titles. This bill would exempt The California Aggie, KDVS and Unitrans from the bylaw. After further discussion, the senate decided to table the resolution.

Senate Bill No. 13 concerns raising the spending limit of elections. After senators expressed concerns of economic privilege affecting eligibility to vote, the bill failed to pass with Park, Molodanof and Jamaludin being the only three in favor.

Senate Bill No. 15 concerns awarding 10 nominated ASUCD volunteers with $1,000 awards for their service. After further discussion, the senate decided to table the resolution.

Senate Resolution #2 declares that the Senate is in solidarity with #NoDAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) and the Standing Rock tribes. With no objections, the resolution passed.

Jamaludin adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p.m.


Written by: Yvonne Leong — campus@theaggie.org


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