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Davis, California

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Neighbors unite


The Davis Manor Neighborhood hosts first Holiday Bazaar, opens new Little Free Library

The Davis Manor Neighborhood (DMN) celebrated its first Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 17, due to the efforts of the entire Davis Manor community. Residents of Davis Manor brought the community together before the business of holiday festivities.

“Neighbors appreciated seeing the [diverse] talents and services people have to offer in our neighborhood. It’s good to know who likes to bake, who is good at canning, who sews clothing, who collects antiques, who offers massage or chiropractic services, who operates photo booths for parties, because then we can go to people right in your neighborhood when we need goods, services or advice,” said Jennifer Nachmanoff, a member of the Davis Manor Creative Action Team and the main orchestrator of the Holiday Bazaar.

Previously, DMN came together to create one of its first community street murals, which is located at the intersection of M and Duke Streets.

“There has been a big effort in our neighborhood over the past few years to find ways to bring neighbors together and create a vibrant, connected community in a neighborhood that is somewhat lacking in city amenities, common green spaces and places to gather casually,” Nachmanoff said.

The bazaar is not the first time DMN has organized community events.  

“This was a sort of extension of the [monthly] Happy-ness Hours,” Nachmanoff said. “It was sunny, chilly, windy, but definitely happy. The opening of our Little Free Library in Colgate added to the community excitement and festive feeling.”

On the same afternoon as the bazaar, DMN opened a Little Free Library through community donations and inspiration drawn from the street mural around the corner from the new Little Free Library.

 “Davis Manor Neighborhood had been having visioning workshops for residents to explore what our neighborhood can do to connect with each other and make it visually beautiful,” said Laurie Loving, key organizer of the Little Free Library and DMN resident. “After a couple of meetings we had a design and began collecting donated materials. Many neighbors brought books and the corner nursery donated gardening books.”

Loving and her husband, Russell, volunteered to have the Little Free Library integrated into their property. It was placed on their garden at the end of their driveway, next to the sidewalk.  

Neighbors contributed by donating the initial books that would be stored into the Little Free Library. One unique feature installed into the Little Free Library allows neighbors to interchange fruit and vegetable seeds through a seed drawer.

“Many neighbors have commented that they love the ‘parklet’ look to the area, with plants, large rocks, a bench and a path to the library,” Loving said. “They like that the library was painted with the designs used in the street mural around the corner, the flora and fauna of the neighborhood.”
Written By: Dianna Rivera — city@theaggie.org


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