95.7 F

Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

New Undergraduate Research Center faculty director appointed

Associate professor Analiese Franz began appointed term Jan. 24

Analiese Franz, an associate professor in the Chemistry Department, began her appointment as the new faculty director of the UC Davis Undergraduate Research Center on Jan. 24.

“Dr. Franz has outlined an exciting, actionable vision for furthering undergraduate research as a key facet of a UC Davis education,” said David Furlow, the associate dean of Undergraduate Education and a professor of neurobiology, physiology and behavior, in a statement to UC Davis Dateline.

The previous director was biomedical engineering professor Angelique Louie. Her three-year term ended last year in 2016.

Franz served on the Undergraduate Council of the Academic Senate and as vice chair for Undergraduate Affairs for the Chemistry Department. Her research, service and teaching in the chemistry department will continue.

As new faculty director, Franz’s duties include working with undergraduates and staff and enthusiastically bringing a vision to the center. With her connections on campus, such as being a part of the College of Letters and Science, Franz plans to interact with other faculty to hear what is best for their students.

She is excited to be working on the upcoming undergraduate research scholarship and creative activities conference, which covers all creative activities that take place on campus. 732 participants are already confirmed, which is the largest turnout so far.  

“Our mission here is to increase the opportunities and awareness of research on campus,” Franz said. “That also includes creative activities so really having it span traditional research like in a lab, and creating and designing based on new ideas and knowledge, so that could include humanities, liberal, arts [and] fashion. It’s a very cool mix of topics.”

Franz also looks forward to finding creative new ways to work with research teams and thinking of new ideas for undergraduate students.

For example, the grad slam, a competition in which graduate students have to present their research in three minutes, is an idea Franz believes could be a challenge and beneficial for undergraduate students as well. She also wants to work on having a research ambassadors program so that undergraduates previously involved in research can mentor new students who would like to get involved.

Tammy Hoyer, the assistant director of the Undergraduate Research Center, believes Franz will be a great asset and leader at the center.

“Dr. Franz brings a rich background of experience working with undergraduate research and great enthusiasm,” Hoyer said. “I’m very happy to have her on board.”
Written by: Demi Caceres — campus@theaggie.org


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