62.5 F

Davis, California

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Last week in Senate


ASUCD Vice President Adilla Jamaludin called the June 1 ASUCD Senate meeting to order at 6:16 p.m.

Numerous senators were not present when the meeting opened. Senators Matthew Yamaguchi and Michael Gofman arrived late to the meeting, while Senators Anastasia Ruttkay and Khadeja Ibrahim did not attend the meeting.

Since certain people who were necessary to complete other agenda items were not present at the beginning of the meeting, the senators deviated from the original agenda and took up legislation. All previously passed legislation had been signed into law. Four new bills regarding dissolving the legislative appeal committee, amending the bylaws, the Whole Earth Festival and a money allocation bill were sent to commissions.

Under old legislation, a bill to realign the 2016-17 budget of the Office of Advocacy and Student Representation was discussed. After discussion, the bill was called into question and Senator Marcos Rodriguez objected to the bill, so the bill was put to a vote. The bill passed 6-0-5, with Rodriguez abstaining.

The second piece of old legislation, one to purchase food and supplies for the “It’s Time to Reclaim Our Bodies” sexual assault prevention event on June 6, 2017 hosted by Ruttkay, was called into question without discussion and passed 7-0-4.

The senate then moved to a presentation from Lincoln40, a proposed housing development on Olive Drive. The representatives of the development brought pizza and drinks for the senators and public. External Affairs Commission Chairperson Sara Williams assured the senators that although the price point of $700 to $900 is high, having more housing in Davis at all will help control rent in other complexes, freeing up cheaper units. The Senate cannot draft legislation supporting this development, but can draft a resolution addressing issues that this development may help alleviate.

Senators then heard a unit report from the Whole Earth Festival. The unit directors reported that there were no major issues except for takedown because there were not enough people to help tear down the festival. They are adding a requirement in job descriptions that members of the unit must help with teardown in the future.

Next was a one and a half hour long presentation from a representative of the UC Student Association (UCSA) on what UCSA is, its responsibilities, various campaigns and lobbying efforts.

Senators then took a recess for 10 minutes. At roll call after the break, Senator Daniel Nagey had left and Senator Simran Grewal came back late.

Confirmations for new members of the Environmental Policy and Planning Commission were then held. Daniel Graves, Amber Medina, Casey Walker, Lauren Murihill, Milo Kahney and Lois Kim were all confirmed without objection. The new chair of the International Undergraduate Student Committee was also confirmed unanimously.

The minutes from the May 25 meeting were approved without objection. Ex-officio reports and elected officer reports were given.

The meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.


Written by: Kenton Goldsby — campus@theaggie.org


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