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Planning for Picnic Day on track for 2018


Picnic Day organizers announce theme, grand marshals

This year’s completely student-run Picnic Day will take place on April 21, 2018. The theme will be “Where the Sun Shines.” Aaron Garcia, a second-year biological science major and the publicity director for Picnic Day, commented on how the theme was chosen and the reasoning behind it.

“This year’s Picnic Day theme is a collective idea that the 16 directors of the Picnic Day board came up with,” Garcia said. “When we were brainstorming ideas, we tried to think of words that describe UC Davis and Picnic Day. Because Picnic Day is really a student-led event in terms of planning Picnic Day and the people that are participating in Picnic Day, we believe Picnic Day is a day where students can shine like the sun.”

Picnic Day is being advertised on a number of social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat. Instagram and Facebook have been used to share recent news about Picnic Day, and any one of these platforms may be used to contact those in charge of Picnic Day with questions.

Along with the theme, this year’s parade grand marshals have been announced as recently-retired Professor Thomas Famula and Director of Student Health Services Dr. Michelle Famula.

“We have chosen [Professor and Dr. Famula] as our parade marshals because of the long-lasting impact they have had on UC Davis and on our community,” Garcia said. “Professor Famula has taught the introductory animal science course in the past and many, many students have loved him. Dr. Famula has been trying to protect the health and safety of UC Davis students over her career at UC Davis. We also chose them because of their warm and welcoming personalities.”

Professor and Dr. Famula have been a part of UC Davis for over 30 years and have participated in countless past Picnic Days.

“We marched with the student health program and the peer health educators that would be represented in the parade dressed up as vegetables for healthy eating,” Dr. Famula said.

Professor Famula has helped with the animals used during the day and both he and Dr. Famula have participated and marched in the parade in the past.

“Whether it’s doing displays or participating in the parade, anything we’ve done in [the Department of Animal Science] has been because the students have asked us,” said Professor Famula.

The two said they are both very excited to be a part of this year’s Picnic Day.

“When I first saw the email, I thought it was a hoax,” Professor Famula said. “We were stunned and so thankful to have this opportunity. It means so much, because it is really the students who do everything for Picnic Day, including picking the grand marshals.”

The parade grand marshals are tasked with certain duties, which Dr. Famula elaborated upon.

“We have to judge the floats and give a little speech at the opening ceremonies, and we get to sit in a car and wave as marshals,” Dr. Famula said.

Those in charge of Picnic Day are attempting to incorporate improvements and new ideas into the event this year — a few of which Garcia mentioned.

“We had food trucks last year, but […] 17 of them with very long lines,” Garcia said. “We are trying to have more food trucks come in so that we can avoid those long lines and have more of a variety of food. We’re also looking into the possibility of mobility vehicles to drive around the elderly and those with disabilities so that they could go to any events or activities they would like to more easily.”

Applications to assist with the planning and running of Picnic Day can be found on the UC Davis Picnic Day website and are due on Feb. 1.


Written by: Sabrina Habchi — campus@theaggie.org



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