62.2 F

Davis, California

Saturday, July 27, 2024

City of Davis hosts cannabis workshop


Cannabis workshop at Senior Center to inform public about policy, health

The Senior Citizens Commision of the city of Davis requested an educational workshop on cannabis, which is to be held on Thursday, Feb. 8 at the Davis Senior Center. The workshop aims to spread knowledge about both the policy logistics and the health benefits of the newly legalized drug.

“One of the commissioners brought up at a meeting that it would be important to share information about cannabis to the general public and, specifically, to help seniors learn more about it from the policy perspective and the health care perspective,” said Maria Lucchesi, the community services supervisor at the Davis Senior Center. “We want people to know the dos and don’ts, and we wanted to have a physician on-hand share information so that folks can then talk to their doctor.”

The workshop will include two speakers from different fields in order to address a variety of issues or concerns regarding cannabis. Ron Trn, a Davis police officer, is covering city policies and regulations that are being implemented while Dr. Karen Mo, a physician from UC Davis, is discussing medicinal aspects and benefits.

“We’re just trying to get information out to people that may have questions regarding cannabis laws in city regulation and be upfront and answer as many questions as we can,” Trn said. “The city council has allowed up to four cannabis dispensaries in the city, along with manufacturers and delivery services. They also have rules and regulations for places in the city where people can grow.”

Trn also suggested that most of Davis is currently ill-informed of these rules and regulations and said he hopes that an increased dialogue will promote safety and prevent mishaps.

“I think this will at least build a dialogue with as many groups as we can so if they do have any questions, concerns or issues they can feel comfortable calling us and reporting that stuff and we can work together in taking care of any issues that come up,” Trn said. “Obviously this is a new thing for everyone in the state, so it’s hard to say what’s going to come of it. We’re hoping for positive interactions and positive outcomes, but I’m sure there’s going to be a few glitches as it goes on.”

Many UC Davis students, including Rikky Patel, a third-year managerial economics major, also share this sentiment of wanting to increase dialogue in order to encourage safety and proper usage.

“I know a lot of people who don’t know much about the exact details of the law regarding cannabis,” Patel said. “So hopefully people will actually use these attempts of informing the public to learn more and know how to be safe and legal. I think it’s great that both a police officer and a physician are going to be there — also to make sure they cover everything.”

The public is encouraged to do research and ask questions at the workshop so that all issues and concerns can be addressed and clarified.


Written by: Hadya Amin — city@theaggie.org



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