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Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Arts and Humanities GEs for Spring Quarter


Options for those still struggling with Pass Two

When pass times hit and every class seems to be full, Schedule Builder can seem like an abyss of defeat. With Spring Quarter right around the corner, many students attempt to opt for a lighter class load in the hopes of spending more time lounging in the sun and less time cooped up in the library. Whether you’re simply searching for an interesting GE class to take, a chance to get those arts and humanities requirements out of the way or perhaps just looking for an intriguing learning experience, here are some classes to look out for once Pass 2 comes around.


AMS/FST 55: Food in American Culture

GE Credit: AH, DD, SS, ACGH, WE

Units: 4

With food being such a pivotal aspect in the development of culture, it’s strange to wonder how those elements, so effortlessly weaved into the fabric of human society, came about in the first place. In this class, students have the opportunity to discover the relationship between food and American culture itself. From identity to cultural responsibility, this class deeply explores food’s influence and role in American culture as we know it today. Additionally, this class satisfies several GE and Core Literacy requirements. Students are sure to leave feeling hungry, but perhaps with a different perspective on their next meal.


ART 009: Beginning Photography

GE Credit: AH, VL

Units: 4

Materials and Services Fee: $55

Before there was Instagram, the art of photography was a technical process. Gain hands-on experience in ART 009, a course in which students have the opportunity to learn the formal and behind-the-scenes aspects of photography. Additionally, students will have the chance to utilize the black-and-white darkroom for film development and printing. What better way to kickstart a career in photography or simply learn the mechanics behind snapping a photo than to utilize the resources available to students here at UC Davis?


RST 1B: Death and Afterlife

GE Credit: AH, OL, VL, WC, WE

Units: 4

Not only does RST 1B satisfy several GE and Core Literacy requirements, but it also offers students the learning opportunity to expand their philosophical horizons. What happens after we die? Although this class may not answer all such questions, it dives into the various beliefs in regard to the afterlife in comparative religious traditions and practices.


AAS 182: Hip Hop Globalization

GE Credit: AH, WC

Units: 4

AAS 182 encompasses the history and culture of hip-hop outside of the United States in places such as Africa, Asia, Europe, South America and the Middle East. Although at times it seems as if American culture invented the world of hip-hop, that is not necessarily the case. How has this genre of dance and music evolved outside of the United States, and how it will it continue to grow in these places?


UWP 104 A though F, I, J, T: Various

GE Credit: AH, WE

Units: 4

From Journalism to Business Writing to Writing in Science, UWP 104 offers a variety of different courses tailored specifically to each profession, from science journalism to legal writing. Get that upper division writing requirement out of the way, while simultaneously gaining insight and hands-on experience in your desired field of study.


Written by: Sydney Odman — arts@theaggie.org


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