78 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Annual Davis Loopalooza returns


Event promoting active transportation came back this May

The annual Davis Loopalooza returned on Sunday, May 6, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., with activities ranging from water games to bird-watching available at nine stations along the 12-mile Davis bike loop.

“This year we partnered with UC Davis Design Department to rebrand Loopalooza,” said Lorretta Moore, the Safe Routes to School program coordinator. “Students designed a new logo, creating a passport with [a] map and a fantastic social media campaign. We are so excited for our new look and to benefit from the skills of the talented design students.”

The event is open to all families, kids and college students, although kids have been particularly enthusiastic about biking at Loopalooza this time of the month.

“Participation has been from families with kids — we have people coming from San Jose, Sacramento, doing it all by themselves because they think it is a fun event,” said Sanne Fettinger, the co-organizer for Loopalooza. “It is quite kid-centered. Several times I used to stay late to make sure I get all the kids, since not all of them finish right at 2 p.m. It’s an accomplishment for them to finish it, and we support and cherish that.”

Fettinger went on to talk about the significance and spirit of the event.

“People meet up with their old friends they used to play soccer with or went to camp with,” Fettinger said. “It’s a wonderful family event, and we encourage everyone to come out and use the bike loop and find ways that no matter where you go to school in town, there is a way to bike to school.”

Children were each issued a passport as they entered the loop, which they could then have stamped at each of the stations along the way.

“People usually bring their own snacks, but we do have Kind bars,” Fettinger said. “Kids visit four stations and they get a Kind bar. It is an incentive to keep going, plus it’s some glucose for the brain.”

Amber Medina, a Street Smarts intern, helped to organize the event for the first time.

“We have had to coordinate with multiple groups to make the 12-mile bike loop non-stop, fun and safe,” Medina said. “I absolutely love being involved. Event planning has always been my forte, but Loopalooza represents so much more. It is city-wide and encourages biking in a way that is appealing to all ages, and it is especially rewarding to know that we are promoting safety for kids on [the] road.”

The organizers highly encouraged UC Davis students to take a part in this fun event and contribute in promoting active transportation.

“We are trying to promote active transportation and use less cars and, in this way, have a better environment for us all,” Fettinger said.

Medina had a message for the students as well.

“We are a college of bikers, and so often I see students to and from campus without bike lights or reflective gear,” Medina said. “This is an opportunity to customize your safety to suit your style. Our bike bells come in a variety of colors and we can install it for you.”

Information about the annual event can be found on the City of Davis website.



Written by: Rabiya Oberoi — city@theaggie.org


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