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Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Style Watch


Tomboy chic

Renee Handley, a second-year environmental science and management major, knows how to thrift like a pro. Her style has evolved from wearing boy shorts to wearing dresses — all of which she procured at thrift stores.


ASW: What’s your style?

Handley: I would say it’s pretty tomboy; I used to dress up in boy shorts when I was younger, and I think it escalated from there. Whatever is comfortable. I thrift a lot of my clothes, and I really like Eco Thrift in Sacramento.  


ASW: Where did you get your outfit?

Handley: My shoes I got in Philadelphia at a Doc Martens store. This dress I got at a Goodwill in Santa Barbara. And this long sleeve shirt I got at Buffalo Exchange in Ventura.


ASW: What advice do you have for people who are trying to be more stylish?

Handley: What deters me a lot from getting an article of clothing or wearing something is that it’s something I don’t see myself wearing but I want to wear. But I would say just go for it. You don’t have to put yourself in a box.


ASW: Where do you get your style inspiration?

Handley: From friends and people I see on campus. On Instagram, you see a lot of outfits you think about when you go shopping and think, “I kinda want that.”


ASW: When did you start getting into fashion?

Handley: Pretty late. I started to get into fashion in junior or senior year of high school.


ASW: What style do you regret the most?

Handley: I went through a lot of style phases to get to where I am. Looking back on pictures is kinda cringy. I used to be into tie dye for a second and I slightly regret that. It was a good time while it lasted. No hate on tie dye but yes.


ASW: How has your style changed?

Handley: I’m trying to wear more girly clothes, like more dresses and I’m trying to make more of an effort. But some days i’m looking pretty grungy and I’m wearing the same thing everyday. I definitely have a favorite pair of jeans and t-shirt.


ASW: What is your go-to outfit?

Handley: A really nice pair of blue jeans, like vintage Levi’s, and I really like this t-shirt I got in Australia when I was a kid. It fits me perfectly. I literally shop in the boys section because I’m like a kids size large or medium. It’s an embroidered shirt that says Sydney, Australia and it’s light blue. And just a pair of sneakers.



Written by: CaraJoy Kleinrock — arts@theaggie.org


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