96.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Last week in Senate


Senator Danny Halawi announces resignation

The weekly Senate meeting was brought to order on May 3 at 6:10 p.m. by Vice president Shaniah Branson. Senators Danny Halawi and Brandon Clemons were late.

Senator Ko Ser Lu Htoo began by recognizing 12 members of ASUCD, including former Gender and Sexuality Commission Chair Becca Nelson.

Next, Dining Services Director Darin Schluep gave the CoHo’s quarterly report. With the CoHo’s 50th anniversary this year, throwback deals and prices have been offered. With fewer people walking in the door and purchasing food items, the CoHo cut hours of operation and closes at 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday instead of 10 p.m.

Senate discussions next went to the Plaza 2555 Presentation held by a lobbyist from Sacramento whose organization is working on a new housing project. The location will be next to Playfields Park in Davis. The proposal will be for townhouses that will extend toward the Research Park area. Between 170 and 180 units will be built and will be off the Q bus line, 1.2 miles from campus.

During the discussion, it was learned that Davis City Council has been pressured not to build additional student housing. The lobbyist confirmed a growth policy in Davis of 1 percent per year and said that there is a compromise between slow growth versus sustainable growth in Davis. Additional discussion included issues of freeway air pollution, parking and the affordability of these new units.

Senate business moved next to the Rise organization, founded in September 2017. According to its website, Rise, a private nonprofit, is “students and allies fighting for free college tuition, protections from student debt, and greater investments in quality, public higher education in California.” At issue in the meeting was Rise’s work toward the fight for free college tuition and protection from student debt. It has 10,000 students supporters at over 50 campuses. The presentation by Rise proposed a partnership with ASUCD.

Up next was discussion on the Aggie Public Arts Committee and its Quarterly Report. In the last quarter a bike circle mural was installed. APAC is working to do more outreach and create more projects. Senator Halawi suggested the organization adopt a senator to work on projects. APAC discussed upcoming projects including a free refrigerator where students can store food and food sustainability projects to combat student hunger.

Next a series of confirmation interviews for the Administrative Advisory Committee confirmations were conducted. All nominees were confirmed after questions and answers.

A break was held at 8 p.m. The meeting resumed at 8:15 p.m.

Next was the consideration of previous legislation. Senate Bill #57 proposed the creation of a Picnic Day (restricted) reserve and was vetoed by President Michael Gofman on April 23. The reserve would have helped to ensure financial stability and fiscal responsibility in the future.

Gofman urged the Senate not to overturn his veto, stating “we as an association can’t afford to let any unit have a reserve like this.” While Senators Bryan Perez and Ko Ser Lu Htoo voted to overturn Gofman’s veto and Senator Halawi abstained, nine senators voted against overturning Gofman’s veto.

Next was ASUCD Senate Resolution #15, which supports the contract demands of American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 3299. During discussion, the authors brought up issues including a zero percent raise on the table from the UC, no cost of living adjustments, disrespect for service workers on campus and wage discrepancies between black women and their white male counterparts. The petitioners asked for Senate support. The resolution passed with a 11 yes votes and one no vote from Senator Atanas Spasov.

Senate Bill #65, which revises chapter thirteen of the ASUCD Bylaws and improves the
Long-Range Plan process, was passed as amended, as did Senate Bill #66, which updates the duties of the Internal Affairs Commission and the Business and Finance Commission. Senate Resolution #14, which expresses “Faculty and students’ frustrations over recent study space reductions, specifically regarding the reductions to Physical Sciences and Engineering Library” as well as Senate Bill #59, which allows “students to serve on no more than three […] subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate” also passed.

New legislation was then introduced. Senate Bill #68 proposed changes to the interview process and Senate Bill #67 would “streamline the process of rehiring positions.”

During public announcements, a moment of silence was held for Janice Corbett, a UC Davis alumna and professional staff member at the university who passed away on April 29. Senator Halawi announced his plans to resign from his senatorial position.

After ex-officio reports and elected officer reports, the Senate meeting adjourned at 11:11 p.m.



Written by: George Liao and Hannah Holzer — campus@theaggie.org

Editor’s note: This article originally included an incorrect hyperlink, it has been updated to reflect the correct website associated with the nonprofit Rise. An incorrect mission statement was attributed to the nonprofit Rise. It has been updated to reflect the actual group’s mission statement. 


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