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Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Is Greek life right for you?


Learn about Greek life at UC Davis

For students coming to UC Davis as freshmen, there tends to be a lot of speculation regarding what organization may be the best to join in order to get involved on campus and find a community of like-minded individuals. While many students opt for different clubs on campus, others choose to join a Greek life community in order to quickly immerse themselves in a community grounded in the UC Davis campus and society.

For students interested in pursuing this path, they should note the different types of Greek life that UC Davis has to offer, and choose the option best for their needs. There are over 60 Greek organizations on campus, ranging from social Greek to professional Greek to ethnic Greek, each with different focuses and goals.

Sanaea Kakalia, a third-year design major, joined Alpha Kappa Psi, a business professional Greek organization, in her first year of college and found a community that she’s been deeply invested in since then. She reflected on her experiences and her initial decision to join a Greek community.

“Coming into UC Davis, I never considered myself joining a Greek organization,” Kakalia said. “I think there’s a really big difference between social Greek and professional Greek, and it’s not that one is better than the other, but that one is more right for you than the other. Professional Greek is not something that’s well known or talked about as much until you get to college. Definitely joining an organization that was able to really hold itself strongly with brotherhood and professionalism is what makes professional Greek stand out.”

Kakalia notes that joining a fraternity as opposed to a club may offer students with the social and professional aspect that they may be after, but it also offers a better sense of community and brotherhood.

“You can join a club at UC Davis that’s really good at design or business, but what’s really missing with those organizations is that their members aren’t truly connected the ways a fraternity would be,” Kakalia said. “By joining a Greek organization, you’re getting the best of the two; you’re getting people who really care about you and your personal values and really know you as a person and a friend. You’re also getting people who are as driven and motivated as you, so getting both of those together is what makes the professional greek life really stand out as a unique opportunity that you can’t get from other organizations.”


By Alyssa Hada — features@theaggie.org



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