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Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

2018–19 Goodbye Editorial

Don’t you forget about us *throws fist in air*

Emily Stack, Editor-in-Chief

By Hannah Holzer

My first interaction with Emily went something like this: My shy freshman self approached Emily, shades on, pencils stuck in her blonde hair, to ask if she wanted to complete The Aggie’s Best of Davis survey. “I work there,” she said, barely glancing up.

Her cool demeanor, her boundless intelligence, her eagerness to offer witty comments in classes (but especially classes taught by Frances Dolan or Gina Bloom) and the grace she displays when she skateboards around campus in her thrifted leather jacket make Emily a powerful, intimidating Leo to be reckoned with. Imagining The Aggie or an Ed Board without Emily’s killer wit, her infinite Shakespeare knowledge or her incredibly resourceful brain, which seems to go a million miles a minute and which can function as both a stand-in AP style guide or thesaurus, is impossible. Imagining this scenario seems wrong. The Aggie appears ever the less zany and colorful sans Emily. That being said, I could not be more certain that Emily has only the brightest future ahead of her, guided by her passion for teaching, her love of learning and her trustworthy moral compass. Emily Stack: You have truly given your blood, sweat and tears to The Aggie this year, you have overcome more hurdles than you ever expected going into the editor-in-chief position and you are a better person and a more capable leader because of it. I’ll miss you dearly.

Olivia Rockeman, Managing Editor

By Emily Stack

Olivia has been a colleague and a dear friend from my first days at The Aggie as a staff copy editor to my final year at the helm of this ship. It’s not often that you find someone who can read your mind, but Olivia knows what I need sometimes before I do. She’s been a stellar managing editor this year — half of the time I ask her to do something, she cheerfully responds that it’s already done. Her capacity for steadfast support is bottomless, and I’ve turned to her more times than I can count this year when I’m in need of someone cool, calm and collected. She’s a model of grace under fire, and I’m awed and inspired by her tireless work ethic, her matchless eye for detail and the care and dedication she gives to The Aggie and to all of us as individuals.

Olivia, I truly believe that I wouldn’t have made it through this year without you. You’ve only been gone for a week, but I already miss you terribly. I would “wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors,” but I know you don’t need it — if any of us are going to be runaway successes and land themselves on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list, it’s you. I love you tons.

Hannah Holzer, Campus News Editor (Fall, Winter)

By Kaelyn Tuermer-Lee

A year ago, Hannah wrote, “Kaelyn and I may be the two second-year babies of the Aggie managing staff, but I like to think we’re also pretty badass.” I like to think we are too.

Hannah and I have led very parallel jobs and responsibilities at The Aggie, her as campus news editor and me as city news editor. Side by side, we’ve covered breaking news, bounced ideas off each other, edited hundreds of articles and spent countless hours together down at The Aggie. I am grateful to have had two great years of working with such an incredibly kind, caring, smart and truly outstanding person, reporter and editor.

Most of all, I’m lucky to call Hannah an amazing friend. I love our lunches outside in the quad, our bike rides home and even our nine-hour days down in the basement of Lower Freeborn working on the next print issue. And I think I speak for both of us when I say that tennis with Coach Maze was a blast.

But perhaps one of my favorite things about Hannah is that I know that she’ll always have my back without fail. Honestly, we had both always secretly hoped over the years that we’d be the ones to lead The Aggie as seniors, and I can say without a doubt that there’s no one else I’d rather have by my side.

Kenton Goldsby, Campus News Editor (Spring)

By Taryn DeOilers

When Kenton assumed the role of campus news editor this spring, he had big, Hannah-sized shoes to fill — and by god, did he succeed. Kenton is the newest member of this year’s Editorial Board, but you wouldn’t know it by his abounding insight into campus and world events, strong editing skills and contagious dedication to The Aggie. But Kenton is much more than a great editor. He’s fiercely devoted to both his ministry and his advocacy for the LGBTQIA+ community — a rare combination that I find beautifully inspiring and indicative of his commitment to what’s important to him, regardless of what others might say. Kenton’s explosive laugh makes every joke so much more hilarious, and I’m pretty sure he could talk for hours about the greatness of CupcakKe — and damn it, I would listen.

Just the other day, Kenton was telling the other editors and me about some Platonian concept about belly buttons and soul mates and having four arms and legs and two faces and — I don’t know, it was confusing and weird. But I remember getting sad in that moment because I realized I won’t get to hang out with Kenton in the office, just sitting between editing sessions and chatting and venting and laughing, after this week. Kenton, I’m going to miss your genuine heart, your ability to find joy in everything and your drive for justice. I’d say, “Keep the campus accountable next year,” but I already know you will.  

Kaelyn Tuermer-Lee, City News Editor

By Dominic Faria

I entered last fall as a brand new member of the Editorial Board. I really had no idea what to expect. When I was thrown onto a Board composed of eight strong women, I wasn’t exactly in my element as the lone male in the room (until Kenton showed up in spring and saved me). But Kaelyn, being one of the veterans of the group, was instrumental in helping me navigate the weekly meetings and my new position. Although I did not know her well, Kaelyn never failed to make me feel welcome.

I should have known how awesome Kaelyn was when we covered a Sacramento FC game last October. Throughout the evening, we bonded over our shared love for sports, reminisced about our high school playing days and even discovered that we are both allergic to peanuts. Since then, along with being coworkers, I am happy to say Kaelyn and I have become great friends.

Kaelyn is one of the most kind, positive and supportive human beings I have ever met. She is fiercely intelligent and a tremendous leader. Her wealth of experience at the city news desk and on the Editorial Board, along with her outstanding work ethic and humble attitude, will serve her well when she takes over this paper next fall. There are many talented and inspiring individuals who work at The Aggie, but I can think of no better person to lead this place to greater heights.

Taryn DeOilers, Opinion Editor

By Olivia Luchini

Taryn DeOilers has been a familiar face for me at The Aggie since I first waddled in as a sophomore to pedal jokes with the bois on the Humor Desk, part of the Opinion Desk for which she was already the assistant editor. For two years, I have watched Taryn gracefully handle the controversy that comes with both hard-hitting opinion pieces and bonkers satire articles. She is a dynamic editor and an even better friend. Being in charge of two weekly editorials is not an easy job. No nine writers are going to agree on the way something is written, and it can be stressful sitting in the hot seat as your words and angles are analyzed by the talented editors that we have. Taryn never lets you feel inferior, even in the face of extreme edits. She makes you feel like you can certainly do it. She is calm and understanding, keeping edits (both ones of my stupid humor articles and serious editorials) both professional and supportive, a hard balance to have.

I could go on for pages about what Taryn has given to her desk and the Editorial Board, but I would be foolish to say she was only a good editor. Taryn is a fantastic human being. She has whimsy in the way she walks in the world, even her fashion making her stand out from the crowd. Girl plays the dang harp. What? Who is she, Florence and the hecking Machine? I love her! More than anything, Taryn is someone that I can confide in and laugh with. Some of my greatest laughs have come from sitting at her desk and deep-diving into our internet history.

Taryn is a lovable and talented human being. She saved us. She gave us all the clues.

Olivia Luchini, Features Editor

By Kenton Goldsby

What’s that sound I hear? Could it be…Olivia playing a kazoo?

Olivia has, on so many occasions this year, brightened my day with her joyous demeanor, humorous mannerisms and pure devotion to memes. She throws herself into everything with her whole heart. Her attitude toward friendships and her devotion to The Aggie are no different.

When I became campus news editor this spring, it was a hard transition. I had big shoes to fill and I was beyond nervous. I needed someone to make me feel comfortable in my new role as a member of the Editorial Board, where group dynamics were already established and I was the “new kid.” Nonetheless, I remember my first Ed Board meeting and how welcome she made me feel.

But after the second Ed Board meeting, I couldn’t sit next to her anymore. We couldn’t stop giggling. (Readers: Giggling is generally frowned upon during Ed Board meetings.)

Olivia, thank you for helping me move into my editorial role this year. I will miss you so much next year, but I’m thankful for the lessons you’ve taught me on how to make someone new feel so welcome. I hope I’ll be able to carry that with me next year and beyond.

Liz Jacobson, Arts and Culture Editor

By Harnoor Gill

Liz is the sweetest Arts Editor! I have really enjoyed her bluntness during Editorial Board meetings when it comes to matters that she is passionate about, such as social justice, as well as her simultaneous fine-tuned sensitivity and empathy. I also think that Liz has the natural ability to handle everything with grace, including the time she sustained an injury from a biker directly crashing into her on campus. She hobbled into the office on crutches for an editing session the next day and managed to laugh (weakly) about it, which is much more than I could’ve said for myself. As a political science major, not only does Liz have a great aptitude for political concepts, but she makes compelling arguments when advocating for a particular story or angle that she feels strongly about. I wish her all the best in the Arts Editor position next year!

Dominic Faria, Sports Editor

By Liz Jacobson

I’ve had the immense pleasure of working with Dominic for three years now — two years as fellow sportswriters and this year as editors. As someone that also applied to be Sports Editor, I can say, without a doubt, there is no one better for the job than Dominic. Not only is he a great editor, but he brings an unrivaled passion for sports and athletics to his desk.

Although we root for different Bay Area baseball teams, it’s comforting to always have someone in the office to commiserate with over the Niners. I know that if I look over to his desk, I can count on that he’s watching whatever game is on. In fact, I would bet my life savings on that right now, as I’m typing this, he’s watching Game 3 of the NBA Finals.

Beyond sports, I would also argue that Dominic is one of the strongest members of the Editorial Board. He consistently brings thoughtful, well-developed ideas and a level-headedness that serves as a voice of reason when we argue over the placement of one sentence.

We also all owe an immense thank you to Dominic because without him, we wouldn’t have our tote bags. Dominic, I’m excited to work with you again next year and on Capitol Hill this summer.

Harnoor Gill, Science Editor

By Olivia Rockeman

People that don’t know Harnoor Gill well might say that she’s shy or reserved — especially in a room of outspoken personalities. I, however, have had the honor of getting to know Harnoor on a deeper level this year and can say that she is one of the most intelligent, thoughtful and driven people I have met during my four years at UC Davis. Beyond being a double major (English and STEM!), Harnoor volunteers at a clinic, does research on campus and gives countless hours per week to The Aggie. While juggling all of her commitments, Harnoor commutes to campus each day from Elk Grove, which takes over an hour of her free time. In other words, she is a multi-talented superwoman who tackles everything she does with grace. All of this being said, my favorite part about Harnoor is her ability to write fierce editorials that consistently prove her skills as a writer, advocate and academic. The team of writers she leads at the science desk look up to her so much and so do I. I can’t wait to see all that she accomplishes after graduation!

Written by: The Editorial Board


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