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Quarterly reports, Judicial Council member confirmed at Feb. 25 ASUCD Senate meeting

The Elections Committee discussed the issue of low voter turnout in ASUCD elections

Senator Amanjot Gandhoke called the Feb. 25 Senate meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. The Senate confirmed four nominees to positions on three committees.

The meeting opened with the quarterly reports of four commissions and committees. The Elections Committee went first, focusing on increasing voter turnout in future elections. Only 1,780 undergraduate students voted in the fall ASUCD election, an 11% drop from fall 2019.

The Campus Center for the Environment went next, outlining three major projects focusing on a partnership with the Community Garden’s composting program, increasing public education on environmental issues and working out logistics to continue upkeep for the on-campus Experimental College Gardens.

Afterwards, the Library Committee unveiled plans to work with the California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG) to bring an affordable textbook program to UC Davis. 

Lastly, the External Affairs Commission (EAC) set its priorities for Spring Quarter, which include planning for Activism Week during week five of the quarter, increasing advocacy for mental health and continuing relationships with on-campus police and government committees for the City of Davis. 

Following the presentation, EAC Chair Natalia Wade recommended Sarah Theubet as the chair of the Disability Rights Advisory Committee (DRAC). 

“Sarah has shown a relentless passion for disability advocacy,” Wade said.

Senator Kristen Mifsud further praised Theubet, saying Theubet is incredibly overqualified for the position.

“There’s truly no one else who would be better suited to this position,” Mifsud said.

As committee chair, Theubet said she plans to focus on student outreach so everyone who qualifies for disability accomodations at UC Davis knows they qualify and understands what their qualifications entail. She also plans on partnering with the Student Disability Center and the Human Rights Department. “This is a human right that is grossly left behind when we discuss human rights,” Theubet said.

Following ex-officio and elected office reports, the Senate confirmed Destiny Zelaya as the newest member of the ASUCD Judicial Council.

“The committee was thoroughly impressed by Destiny’s knowledge of the ASUCD structure and her knowledge of our governing documents,” Gandhoke said.

Senator Michael Navarro later echoed this, citing her experience in numerous internships, including one under Governor Gavin Newsom. 

Zelaya was confirmed without objection and will go on to serve on the Judicial Council to oversee disputes concerning the ASUCD constitution and its by-laws.

Before adjourning, the senate also confirmed two commissioners to the External Affairs Commission: Kiana Alirezaie and Allister Cote. Both commissioners were confirmed without objection.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 
Written by: Wm. Schroedter Kinman — campus@theaggie.org


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