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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Senate Bill #95 restructuring Chapter 15 of the Bylaws passed at May 13 ASUCD Senate meeting

Three Transfer, Re-entry and Veterans Committee members were confirmed with no objections

ASUCD Vice President Emily Barneond called the Senate meeting to order on Thursday, May 13 at 7:11 p.m. 

The roll call was followed by Transfer, Re-entry and Veterans Committee (TRVC) confirmations. Juliana Oliveira, the vice chair of the TRVC, recommended Evan Rhoderick, Jaina Jogia and Oliver Snow to be committee members. 

“I am excited to put them forward because all three would make strong candidates for our committee and represent a diverse set of backgrounds that would help us to establish a successful transfer student representative office in the fall,” Oliveira said.

There were no objections and all three candidates were confirmed as TRVC members.

Karl Liebner, the unit director of the Campus Center for the Environment (CCE), presented the CCE’s quarterly report. The idea to use bikes to replace old Cyclop vehicles when collecting bins was introduced. 

“We have the Bike Barn next to the Ecohub and it’s on campus, open everyday,” Liebner said. “It would be easy to fix as many of the bikes that have problems, and we are a campus full of bikes, so we thought it would make sense to have bikes.”

Some ideas on how to utilize bikes to replace the Cyclop trucks would be to attach carts to the back of bikes or have bins with bigger wheels. The CCE plans to apply for The Green Initiative Fund grant to fund this project. 

Senate Bill #95, which moves the leadership of Committee on Committees to leadership of the Academic Affairs Commission in regards to Chapter 15 of the Bylaws, was passed with unanimous consent. 

Barneond adjourned the meeting at 7:52 p.m.

Written by: Christine Lee — campus@theaggie.org


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