52.3 F

Davis, California

Friday, February 14, 2025

Provost Mary Croughan provides her monthly update on students’ return this fall

The update plan includes policies on vaccinations, masks and campus operations

By EMILY REDMAN — campus@theaggie.org

In an email to UC Davis staff and students, Provost Mary Croughan shared a Fall Quarter planning update for the month of June.

As aligned with the UC-wide vaccine mandate in the fall, students and faculty are strongly encouraged to receive a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible. Those who do not receive the vaccine will be required to continue to do asymptomatic testing every four days to access campus facilities.

“People currently in California can go to My Turn to schedule a vaccine appointment,” Croughan said.

All students and UC Davis employees are encouraged to complete a survey in their Health-e-Messaging portal to declare their vaccination status by July 15. If fully vaccinated, they are also encouraged to upload an image of their vaccination card.

Fall instruction will be at full capacity, contingent on Centers for Disease Control and county regulations. Attendees will be required to wear face coverings while indoors regardless of their vaccination status.

“Instructors will not be required to do so since it may impede the ability of students to understand the instructor,” Croughan wrote in the planning update.

Students who have medical needs that require accommodations for returning in the fall are encouraged to visit the Student Disability Center webpage.

Those who cannot return to campus for any reason can request a leave of absence through the Planned Educational Leave Program (PELP). Due to the pandemic, PELP has allowed students to take additional time off.

According to the Office of the University Registrar’s webpage, “undergraduate students may PELP for additional terms during spring 2020, fall 2020, winter 2021, spring 2021 and fall 2021.”

The university is optimistic that international students will be able to receive visas to return to campus in the fall, according to Croughan.

“Wait times for processing visas continue to decline in many countries,” Croughan said. “The number of students who have had their visa issued or renewed has been steadily increasing.”

Research projects are expected to be back on campus full time, options are open to request approval for travel, campus visitors will be welcomed back upon the completion of a symptom survey and campus events are permitted as long as they comply with health guidelines.

Future updates will continue to be available on the Campus Ready webpage.

Written by: Emily Redman — campus@theaggie.org


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