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Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

33rd annual Turkey Trot held in Davis

The Turkey Trot returns after a hiatus last year due to COVID-19

By LEVI GOLDSTEIN city@theaggie.org


On Nov. 20, the 33rd annual Turkey Trot in Davis was held at Civic Center Field. Since its beginning, the Davis rendition of the event has been organized by A Change of Pace Foundation. 

According to the A Change of Pace Foundation website, the races began at 8:15 a.m. with the 5K, followed by the two-mile “Dog Jog” at 8:40 a.m. and were closed out by the 10K at 9 a.m. The kids’ fun runs started at 10:30 a.m. 

Runners also had the opportunity to run an unofficial 15K by running both the 5K and 10K events subsequently or by registering as a team. 

The UC Davis Cross Country, Track and Field Club ran the Turkey Trot as a team. According to club president Luigi Zialcita, most club members ran the 5K, but a few attempted the 10K. Zialcita said that a few club alumni joined them for the run as well. 

Zialcita is a fourth-year environmental science and management major at UC Davis. His favorite part about the club is spending time with his best friends, but he also appreciates what running does for his mental health. 

“It’s fun to push your body to the limit and find out what you’re capable of,” Zialcita said. “It’s cool to prove to myself that I can do something really hard. I can do something that I didn’t think was possible.”

Being president of the club has been gratifying for Zialcita, he said. 

“When I first came to Davis, I didn’t really have any friends here,” Zialcita said. “I found belonging through the club team. [Being president] has really just been a way for me to pay it forward.”

Zialcita and the other club members greatly enjoyed the event, he said. 

“Getting to see so many people come out and just have fun on a Saturday morning, that was really heartwarming,” Zialcita said. 

According to A Change of Pace, race registrants picked up packets at Civic Park with race information, their racing bibs and complimentary T-shirts on Friday, Nov. 19 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 20 from 6:30 a.m. until race start time. Registrants who entered after 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 17 picked up their packets at Will Call. 

The Turkey Trot included a community expo after the races with live music, food and kid-friendly games. Exhibitors such as businesses and community organizations were able to pre-register for a 10-by-10 booth space by Nov. 13 with a $125 fee, $150 with a table and chairs or $100 for non-profits. 

A Change of Pace followed COVID-19 protocols at the event. All runners, vendors, volunteers and spectators were required to wear masks at all times and were not permitted to attend if they had been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or had any COVID-19 symptoms. 

All races used RFID chip timing, according to Davis Turkey Trot Runs at RunSignup.com. A disposable chip was attached to each runner’s bib, and runners’ individual start times were not activated until their chip crossed the start line. This allowed for less starting line crowding and made the event more COVID-19 safe. 

QR codes were posted around the event venue for runners to check their times and places, according to A Change of Pace Foundation. Race results are also available online at the A Change of Pace Foundation website. 

The next Turkey Trot in Davis will be on Nov. 19, 2022, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. 


Written by: Levi Goldstein — city@theaggie.org



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