102 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

ASUCD Commissions provided quarterly updates during May 12 Senate Meeting

SB #84 and SB #85 passed unanimously


By ANGELINA ANGELO — campus@theaggie.org


Internal Vice President Juliana Martinez Hernandez called the meeting to order at 6:11 p.m. on Thursday, May 12. Following roll call of the senators, she recited the UC Davis Land Acknowledgement. 

Kabir Sahni was confirmed on the Internal Affairs Commission after endorsements from various senators. 

Next the ASUCD Board on Engagement and Outreach confirmed a new chairperson after support from the committee and limited discussion. 

The Student Health and Wellness Committee (SHAWC) shared a brief presentation and goals for the coming months.

“The SHAWC has split the committee into two sections: the sexual health and the mental health committees,” said Committee Member Bia Myanganbayar. 

The SHAWC committee is focusing on collaborating with other campus clubs and associations to have the biggest impact on campus, according to Myanganbayar.

Next, the Office of the External Affairs Vice President (OEAVP) gave a presentation. 

Shruti Adusumilli, the external affairs vice president, focused on how her office is working to push through legislation at the county, state and federal levels. 

She shared how proud she was that she and a group of 19 students had the opportunity to go to the capitol to meet directly with legislators to voice concerns and give comments on specific senate bills.

She concluded the presentation with pictures summarizing the connections they have made with local legislators and senators.

Due to time conflicts, Martinez Hernandez moved to exclude both the Aggie Mentors and the Library Committee quarterly reports from the agenda. 

Gabriela Tsudik, the chair of the Academic Affairs Commission, then provided a quarterly report. The report was brief, going over the basics of the research they have been conducting and recent conversations with students that brought forth issues.

Finally, the Gender and Sexuality Commission provided its quarterly report. 

“As most of you saw, we worked alongside OEAVP and the SRF [Students for Reproductive Freedom] to organize the Roe vs. Wade rally,” Commissioner Sabrina Gelini said. 

Next, each elected officer and ex-officio provided weekly reports as prompted by Martinez Hernandez. 

There was no new legislation introduced, so the table moved into discussion of old legislation. 

SB #84 allows members of the Senate table to release Senate-related materials 24 hours in advance. Previously, the Senators had to provide documents, and notification of meetings at least 72 hours in advance. This bill passed unanimously.

SB #85 was revisited next. 

Martinez Hernandez explained that this bill is to provide “a transition period for new members of the Senate table […] there will be a welcome orientation and training for new senate table members, and present members are encouraged to attend.” 

SB #85 passed unanimously.

All of the previous meeting minutes were approved unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned by Martinez Hernandez at 9:47 p.m. 


Written by: Angelina Angelo — campus@theaggie.org



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