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Davis, California

Saturday, February 8, 2025

You don’t need to go home to have a good Thanksgiving break

Take time to celebrate yourself and your found family, no matter where you are




This quarter has been uniquely difficult. There has been no shortage of traumatic events, both locally and globally, that have been difficult for many members of our community to process and recover from. While every school year comes with its own set of challenges — assignments, midterms, morning classes and more — there is a gravity to this quarter that cannot be ignored. This makes it all the more important for students to take advantage of the time to recharge over Thanksgiving break.  

 For many students, those two days (or whole week, depending on how committed you are to attending your classes) present a chance to head home and spend time with loved ones while enjoying a hearty home-cooked meal. However, there are plenty of college students who don’t have this opportunity. Whatever the reason for this may be, the Editorial Board is here to share a few tips for enjoying the break even if you don’t have a traditional holiday experience to look forward to.

First, take a moment to reflect on your support systems in Davis. Maybe your roommates are always there to make you laugh when you come home at the end of a long day, or you have a professor who has gone the extra mile to help you understand a difficult concept. The Thanksgiving holiday doesn’t have to be a celebration of your immediate family — it could also serve as a day to express gratitude for those who have supported you through your college years.  

Our first suggestion for how to do so is to curate a holiday atmosphere where you are. Hosting a dinner party can be a fun and personal way to celebrate. Grab some friends, flowers and a few ingredients from your favorite local grocery store (or the farmer’s market, which conveniently falls on the day before Thanksgiving), then spend time cooking and eating with your loved ones. If there aren’t many people in your circle who will be in town over the holiday, you can always hop on a Zoom or FaceTime call to virtually spend the day together. 

Of course, you can also spend the day celebrating the most consistent relationship in your life — the one you have with yourself. Treat yourself to a day or two spent truly study-free and do the things that you love to do but may not have time for during the rest of the quarter. A personal favorite pastime of the Editorial Board is taking a walk in the Arboretum. The conditions are ideal this time of the year, as the leaves have changed colors and the days aren’t too cold or too hot. Pop in a pair of earbuds, put on your favorite playlist and enjoy the serenity of the space.

There are plenty of other things to do on a day off if you’re not interested in a leisurely walk. You could read that book you’ve been meaning to start all quarter, binge-watch a comfort show, deep-clean your room or even write letters to family and friends that you aren’t able to be with in person. Volunteering or donating can also be fruitful ways to show gratitude for the greater Davis community. Tree Davis, Empower Yolo and the Yolo Food Bank are all reputable organizations that stand for important social causes. Catching up on all the sleep you’ve missed this quarter is always a valid option as well. 

Whether or not you take part in traditional Thanksgiving activities next week, you can always take advantage of the break. Even if you are excited to head home and spend time with loved ones, consider checking in on your friends who may not be able to do so. We all deserve to have grace and consideration extended to us this holiday season.     

Written by: The Editorial Board


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