79 F

Davis, California

Friday, September 13, 2024

City of Davis hosts housing forums for community members

The city’s Social Service and Housing Department is seeking feedback from local renters at these events


By ALMA CULVERWELL city@theaggie.org 


The city of Davis’ Social Service and Housing Department recently held a tenant’s open house in the City Hall Community Chambers on Jan. 24. 

The open house was intended to be a place for community members to share their rental experiences and help city staff better understand residents in order to adequately assist them in the future.

Tiana Evans, a Davis resident of three years, explained her experience as a renter.

We found out quickly how competitive it was to find a house to rent,” Evans said via social media. “I remember having to pay ahead to secure a spot so we had a place as soon as we arrived from Reno, Nevada. There wasn’t much within our budget, and we ended up paying about half of our income in rent. We were fortunate to lock in a two-year lease, but [we] also realized that’s when rates can go up.”

Evans discussed what homeownership and rental regulations she hopes to see moving forward from the city of Davis.

“I want limitations on single family houses being purchased and immediately rented out,” Evans said. ”I want to buy here one day […] and as a first time home buyer, it’s looking bleak.” 

Kim Brennan shared her renting experience after moving to Davis from Los Angeles seven years ago.

“When I first moved here I had to live in Woodland and I rented a room,” Brennan said via Facebook Messenger. “When I moved to Davis very shortly after I also rented a room […] I was able to get my first apartment at Creekside, which is affordable housing, but couldn’t stay there. Now I am in just a regular apartment here in Davis and they basically force us to sign our lease this month for September […] There’s a 10% increase every single year without any improvements to the apartment itself.” 

Brennan described her frustration as a renter in Davis and her wishes for more support from city staff moving forward.

“Davis isn’t expensive; it’s overpriced,” Brennan said. “There needs to be more regulation on rent increases and rent caps. And they need to build a lot more affordable housing.”

The city of Davis plans to host another housing office hours event on Feb. 21 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. by appointment. They are offering fifteen-minute one-on-one appointments with city staff members for residents to share their rental experiences and ask any questions.


Written by: Alma Culverwell city@theaggie.org 


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