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Davis, California

Saturday, September 14, 2024

News in Brief: Davis attempts to set record for Worlds Largest Simultaneous Group Workout


At 12 p.m. on Jan. 3, Davis locals gathered in Central Park to participate in an attempt to set the world record for The World’s Largest Simultaneous Group Workout (WLSGW) organized by national weightloss and fitness program ViSalus.

The event was free for participants and took place at the same time around the world in 11 different countries including Germany and Canada. Activities included forms of fitness that varied depending on the location as well as group size, encouraging all types of exercise. Hiking, yoga, dancing, kayaking and other forms of exercise took place during the event. Those who gathered in Davis’s Central Park had the opportunity start the new year off right by participating in either a run, walk, bike and boot camp.

“At the start of the new year people want to start the year off right, new year, new me. Fitness is always a big part your image and everyone wants to make sure that they’re healthy and physical activity is a big part of that,” said Cameron Southerland, Building Supervisor at the UC Davis Activities and Recreation Center.

Project 10 aims to help people conquer their workout goals and as of 2015, is offering free group workouts to promote success. Along with motivating participants to kickstart the new year with healthy exercise habits, ViSalus’s Project 10 program donated 30 meals for every participant in WLSGW.

“There were two goals; the goal of breaking the world’s record and then at the same time, for every person who shows up, 30 meals were donated to a hungry child. So that was pretty awesome. All you had to do was sign-in and do a few sit-ups and there you go, a hungry kid fed,” said Kathy Guerrero, Regional Director for ViSalus Project 10.

In addition to the meal donation, Project 10 also donates 90 meals for every 10 lbs. of fat lost or 10 lbs. of muscle gained by participants throughout the year. The meals go to recipient organizations registered with Project 10 that help those in need.

“The company has identified thousands of different recipient non-profits around the world now to receive those free meals and they go to either an organization that deals with childhood obesity or an organization that deals with childhood hunger,” Guerrero said.

Photo source cooldavis.org.


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